Thirty seven

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i'm now 18 weeks pregnant and my bump is growing! it's so cute. Me and harry decided that we will tell the fans today, after our 18 week scan. The lockdown rules have been eased and the boys are finally allowed to meet up to shoot for their channel.

'this is going to be cold' the doctor warned me, once again. I took hold of harrys hand who was sat beside me and smile at him. The doctor had put the gel on and you could now see the little baby.

'it's so cute' i hear harry whisper into my ear, i nod in agreement.

'everything looks good, now let's hear the heartbeat' the doctor smiles.

The heartbeat began to play and i couldn't help but tear up with joy. I have been so worried.

'thank god' i sigh in relief. Harry squeezes my hand.

'so are you guys planning on finding out the sex?' the doctor questions

i look at harry.

'uh yeah, yes please' he said awkwardly, i smile at his awkwardness.

'okay so come back in about 2 weeks time and you can find out' the doctor said to us both as we walked out of the room.

The appointment went good, very good actually. Just two more weeks until we find out the sex of our baby. I still can't decide whether i want a boy or girl. Either doesn't matter but you know. Harry said he doesn't mind but deep down i know he wants a boy.

'the boys are meeting up today, do you maybe wanna come?' harry said walking out of the bathroom.

'i don't want to be annoying' i laugh

'you won't be,besides the boys have missed you..come onnnn' he begged me

'fine, let me go get ready' i said giving in and getting up to go and get ready.

I decided to wear a long white dress as we are going to take photos for the pregnancy reveal. Harry is wearing a white shirt with grey trousers.
'This is mad boys' ethan said still overwhelmed that they're meeting up after months.

'it's been way too long' Tobi also said.

'i agree, charlottes bump is even bigger now!' Jj exclaimed before hinting for me to show my bump, i did so and made it so the dress was tighter on me.

everyone looked at me and aww'd

'soppy twats' harry laughed

'i think you're the soppy twat, Lewis' i laugh
'you have not stopped obsessing over the baby' i exposed him, which made the group laugh.

Ethan must have said something which made harry get up and chase after him, he looked so happy. He really missed the boys.

We talked and joked for what felt like hours. It was nice to see them all again, even if we were sat two metres apart.

liked by Tobjizzle and 194,970 othersLottie_hx: Let the pregnancy photos begin!👶✨

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liked by Tobjizzle and 194,970 others
Lottie_hx: Let the pregnancy photos begin!👶✨

Ksi: @calfreezy I always said harry would be the first dad, give me the money.
   wroetoshaw: you really betted on that?
    Calfreezy: of course we did mate

Taliamar: I cannot wait!

Freyanightinghale: still looking as beautiful as ever<3

reading through the comments made me realise how much i love my friends and fans. The post got so many likes. My most liked post!!

liked by Calfreezy and 586,198 othersWroetoshaw: Baby Lewis!! our bumps are finally the same size<3

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liked by Calfreezy and 586,198 others
Wroetoshaw: Baby Lewis!! our bumps are finally the same size<3

Callux: even bigger news than me launching Notoways! @Notoways
wroetoshaw: No promo allowed here mate,

Vikstagram: So happy for you guys🍼

I looked at harrys post and smiled to myself. I'm sitting beside harry whilst he plays Fifa, of course.
I scroll through my tagged and like a few posts.
sorry it's a short chapter!!!

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now