Fourty one

679 7 1

(i've just realised i forgot to write the chapter of charlotte going to the Xrecording studios, i will write that as the next chapter!!)

Talia's POV
Today is Charlotte and harry's gender reveal. They left it up to me, Lauren and Freya to plan and set up. I wanted to make it as memorable as we could, especially with the restrictions we have.

We have planned to make them both wear all white. We have huge letters that spell out boy or girl, which are also white and then we have also bought water guns which are going to be filled with the colour of the gender, you can guess what we're gonna do with that. Then the boys have also got a paintball gun each shoot harry of course.
i really hope they love it.

'a little more to the left' i said to Lauren who was placing the Letters out on the field we have booked off.

'there?' she questioned

'That's perfect!!' i exclaim and run and hug her

'they're going to love it, i know it!' freya said

we continued to set up the table with the badges of Boy or Girl for the few guests that are coming and the food and drinks too. We haven't done much because we will probably order food.

my phone starts ti ring, it's Harry facetiming me.

'hey mate, what colour are we both wearing again?' he said straight away. I tried to hide the setting behind me.

'it's fine call me mate' i rolled my eyes before continuing 'you both have to wear white, i sent Char her outfit and simon should've sent you yours' i finished off

he looked around confused 'hey bubs, have our outfits come, for today?' he asked char

'yeah they're over here' i heard her say. I sigh in relief.

'god harry don't scare me like that' i said laughing

'sorry, alright see you in a bit' he ended the call.
Harrys POV//
I am beyond excited for today, it's a big day and i'm happy to finally know if we're having a boy or girl.

i'm wearing white jeans with a white t-shirt and char is wearing white dungarees and a white tee underneath. Once arriving we chat to the few people that were able to make it and took a look around at the settings and after about an hour we walk over and stand infront of the Boy or Girl signs. The cameras were all set up ready to capture this very special moment.

'i'm so excited!' i yell out of excitement

'3..2..1' the crowd yells

and all of a sudden paint was being squirted all over mine and char's nice white outfits.ouch. I couldn't work it out a first because we were both told to just look at each other. But then i saw it. The colour.

everyone was screaming and shouting with excitement. Jumping up and down. Taking pictures. It was such a special moment.

'it's a boy Haz!!' charlotte said before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist and giving me the biggest smile ever.
i brung her into a tight hug and gave her a long kiss.

'ITS A BOY!! IM GOING TO HAVE A BOY' I yell out of excitement once again

'congrats bog' freezy said
'little harold aye' ethan yelled

'you got what you want bubs' she said quietly before jumping down off of me.

Charlottes POV//
you should've seen the expression on harrys face once he had realised he was having a boy. I am so happy i can give him what he wants and i am beyond happy that we're having a boy!. However it's not going to be easy if he's anything like haz.

i run over and give the girls a massive group hug
'thank you girls, for making this the best experience ever' i said still hugging them

'we're so happy you like it' Lauren said
'Congrats, another harry aye' talia said
'Good luck having another boy, especially if he's anything like harry' freya chuckled.

we pulled away from the hug but i hugged them all again. I'm so grateful for the friends i have. I get pulled away by Tobi bringing me into a hug and congratulating me and haz, then freezy, lux, ethan, josh, jj, simon, vik and the others that came. Once i had said thank you to everyone for coming i pulled myself away from the crowd to facetime my mum. We haven't spoken since i told her about my pregnancy a few weeks ago..She didn't seem too happy but when is she ever happy with my life choices. It took a couple of tries but she answered.

'hey mum' i said whilst smiling, showing the blue paint all over my face.

'it's a boy!' i said with excitement, hoping she would match the energy.

'another one? oh god..good luck' she said bluntly. I wanted to just end the call there. This was a special moment and she knew that but she went and said the wrong thing once again.

'i'm so excited, hopefully we can come and see you before hes bien' i said trying to pick up the conversation again.

'i don't know, me and your dad are quite know with our jobs' she said, clearly digging at me for not having a 'proper' job.

'i understand..well i'll speak to you again soon' i put on a fake smile before then ending the call and sighing. I took a seat on the chair beside me and just look onto the crowd, thinking about life and how i'm not making my parents proud.. my grandparents wouldn't be proud of me either. Harry looked like he was enjoying life, with no worries at all. He had the perfect family, perfect job and just a perfect life. Me however, i do not. i take a sip of my water that is beside me before looking down at my bump and smiling softly.

'we love you so much little man' i said rubbing my stomach.

'she's not wrong their bud' harry came and placed his hand on my stomach. I looked at him and smiled

'i'm happy i can give you want you want' i said quietly.

'and i'm happy that i have you, i wouldn't care if you couldn't give me what i "want" ' he said emphasising the word want. I just looked at him and didn't say anything. I burst out crying. He brought me into a tight hug and comforted me. He wanted me to explain what was going on but i didn't wanna ruin his day, this day is about him too not just me.

I reassured harry that i was fine and that he should go over and join the boys. I walked over and joined them too. They were playing Truth or Dare so i obviously joined in and so did the girls.
Hi ty for reading!! i hope you liked this chapter

i tried to make it as interesting as possible <3

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