eighteen (long chapter for 1k reads)

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we've just arrived and we're stood outside the door. I can already tell this is going to be hectic.

'Charlie..i'm nervous' Lauren says quietly before i knock the door

'Don't be, the lads are great and so are Talia and Freya' i smile reassuringly and give her a side hug, then pulling away and knocking the door.

after a few tries Josh opens the door

'Lottie! glad you made it!' he says bringing me into a hug

'i'm glad too, Let's get this party started' i say waving my Smirnoff in the air

'Ahh lauren, glad to see you again' i hear josh say just before i walk into the kitchen

i get myself a red plastic cup and open up my Vodka, pouring just a little too much considering it's only 8pm. Taking a seat on the counter i feel someone's arm snake around my waist.

'how long you been here for?' a very sexy male voice

'only about 5 minutes, you?' i smile whilst looking up at harry who is stood behind me

'about 30 minutes ago, see i wasn't late!' he exclaims out of excitement of proving me wrong

i take a sip of my vodka before noticing harry had somehow been dragged away from me.

'Hey T' i shout over to talia while walking into the very packed living room

'what's cooking good looking' she smiles

i take a deep breath 'oh how i've missed these parties'

'You and harry missed one while you were away in The Bahamas..it was a great one' she sighs

11pm same night

'Who's down for a game' i hear jj shout over the loud music.
i look around to see my girl Lauren necking off with Ethan. Go on girl. Before then being taken out of my thoughts by harry taking my hand and leading us over to the sofa where people were sat playing Say it or Shot it

'so who's going first?' Freya said

'how about, Lauren' jj said while smirking over at her and ethan

'huh? what? what are we playing' she says lipstick all smudged. I giggle to myself and lean my head on harrys shoulder.
Jj explains how the game works to lauren, then following up with a question

'Who would you pork in the room?' he smiles mischievously

'Ethan of course' she replies within seconds, clearly drunk.

'Go on lad' josh said
'Yes ethan lad' harry said
'Lauren are you drunk?' i question, knowing she's never normally like this when sober
'no never' she replies almost instantly

'alright next person is Harry' jj said
'my question is..How many people in this room have you slept with'

Harry looks down at me and shakes his head, then removing his arm which was around my shoulders and takes a shot.

why did he take the shot? who else has he slept with? i mean not that i care but.

everyone just looks at me and i stay silent, lost in my thoughts.

'Alright Lottie?' tobi nudges my shoulder and whispers into my ear

'yeah yeah, why wouldn't i be?' i whisper back

'Charlotte, how many people in this room have you slept with?' i hear Simon say interrupting mine and tobis conversation

i smirk 'two' and i could feel everyone's eyes on me especially harry's

'who?' everyone said in unison

'doesn't matter, that wasn't the question, was it simon?' i smirked

'she's right, give the girl some privacy' Tobi spoke up. Harry still saying silent before eventually getting up and walking out into the backyard

i sigh and get up following him

'leave me alone, Charlotte' i hear him say harshly

'woah, what have i done?. You took a shot when asked the same exact question, at least i can own up to it' i said right back at him, a bit taken back

'You've slept with one of my best friends Charlotte, that's my point!' he raises his tone more

'and what you haven't slept with any of mine?'

he stays silent.

'exactly what i thought Lewis.' i groan and walk back into the hectic room where everyone was still staring

'what you staring at?' i say frustrated, before storming to the bathroom and locking the door.

Why would he be mad at me?. He's slept with one of my friends so what's the big deal about me sleeping with one of his?.. there isn't a big deal.

'Charlie' i hear Lauren say from the other side of the door.

'go away' i sniffle
'no i won't go away, let me in otherwise i will force my way in' she replies. I get up and open the door and return back to my spot on the floor.

'what a dickhead' i say nearly breaking down because of how frustrated i am. Lauren comes and sits beside me and comforts me

'what's the big deal?' i say again breaking the silence

'there isn't a big deal Charlie, he's just jealous you've slept with one of his mates, which he has every right to be.'she states

'He slept with one of my friends too Lauren.' i fight back.

'how do you know that? it could've been anyone, it could've been Emily, Gee, Chloe. The other girls at the party.'

'Lauren, they are my friends you know, i do have more friends than just you, the boys and talia and freya' i say without thinking, which lauren doesn't reply to and gets up leaving the bathroom.

i feel my heart start racing and my hands getting all sweaty. God no. not right now. I take deep breathes in and deep breathes out, trying to calm myself down.

i hear people shuffling around outside the bathroom door before someone finally walking in.

'go away' i say harshly once again, someone just walks straight in. It's Talia

'come on L, you know he has every right to be jealous'

'what and i don't? he- you know what no i'm not doing this, i'm not repeating myself' i get up barging my way past her and everyone else who was stood outside the door.

i leave, i don't call an uber i just walk home.

why does no one understand that i have a right to be jealous to? but you don't see me being jealous and mad at him.

instead of going straight home i go to the near by beach, the one me and harry have spent hours on. The one we went when we first started liking eachother. I'm sat on the soft sand just admiring the sort of nice views considering it's nearing midnight it's pitch black. i lay back, and take a picture and uploading it to my snapchat story

-quite a long chapterThank you all for 1k reads!! it means a lot to me, keep voting and leaving your suggestions on what you want to see happen <3

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quite a long chapter
Thank you all for 1k reads!! it means a lot to me, keep voting and leaving your suggestions on what you want to see happen <3

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