Fourty eight

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*few days later*
harry is picking me up today, finally i get to go home and sleep in my own bed. Grayson wasn't doing so well with his feeding times so i had to stay in a little longer than expected. As long as he's healthy i don't mind.

'let me take hold of him while you pack things, haz' i sighed. He is refusing to let me do anything.

he looked over at me and frowned
'fine..that is all i am allowing you to do. You need to rest' he gave me grayson.

we finished up packing, said our goodbyes to the nurses and thanked them. Then headed home.

'the boys said they wanted to come over..i said can they wait till tomorrow' harry said looking at me who was sat on the sofa, cradling grayson.

'babe, they can come over. I am fine' i smiled

'you need-' he began to say that i needed to rest but i reassured him i was fine and that i will rest as much as possible whilst they are here.

after about 30 minutes there was a knock at the door, i slowly walked over to the door and opened it. In came josh and freya both with open arms for me to hug them, i did so. They walked over and sat with harry who was holding grayson. Then walked in Jj, Simon as they lived together, Then followed by Vik, Tobi and ethan.

'tea, anyone?' i asked walking into the kitchen. Harry shot me a glare and handed grayson to josh.

'babe honestly, i am fine' i huffed

'no, go and sit with our son and friends..please' he practically begged. I gave in and sat and chatted with the boys and frey.

'he's being way too overprotective it's annoying' i moaned

'harry actually caring for once is a shocker' josh stated, we laughed at his comment.

'he's so adorable,char' freya said quietly

'he is..i can't believe he's mine' i smiled taking hold of his hand and he wrapped his lil hand around my thumb. Harry walked into the living room and handed everyone their tea and coffee. Grayson started to cry, it was his feeding time so i looked up at everyone.

'should i go into another room?' i asked
they all looked at me and shook their heads

'you're all good' frey said i smiled at her and then at harry. I lifted up my top slightly and started to feed grayson. I looked at them all and most of them were focusing on the game of fifa they were playing however harry was paying full attention to me. I shook my head and looked towards the tv.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now