Thirty three

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'morning' harry says over the phone, smiling at me. God he looks good on a morning.

'morning, did you sleep alright after last night?' i smile softly giving him a sympathetic look
Harry's best friend from Guernsey attempted suicide last night and he didn't make it.

'no not really, i can't believe i didn't get to say goodbye. Why didn't i go and see him when we were there for christmas' he sighs looking away from the phone

'it's hard and it was a big shock i know, don't feel like an idiot for not going to see him' i frown

'i would've known how he was feeling and i would've maybe been able to help him' he sniffles

'How were you supposed to know haz? please don't blame yourself for this, anyone could have tried to help him but no one knew how he was feeling, even his own family'
i wanted to just go and give him the biggest hug ever. Lockdown wasn't making this easy at all. Me and harry only get to see eachother twice a week. I'm not complaining at all, some people can't even seen anyone.

'i miss you' he says quietly, whilst looking at me. We hadn't seen eachother for two weeks, as ethan tested positive and harry and the boys were near him whilst shooting for the sidemen channel, so harry had to isolate from me.

this means i haven't been able to tell him about the pregnancy, i will have to tell him soon. I can't keep it for much longer.

'Char?' harry said bringing me out of my thoughts.

'i miss you too, how about we do something tomorrow? you're okay to come out now aren't you?, just keep your distance' i smile slightly

'yeah, i will meet you at Victoria park' he smiles before kissing his hand and placing it over the screen and ending the call.

tomorrow is the day i have to tell him, i have no idea how and i didn't think this is how i was going to have to tell him, weeks after me finding out.

reaching over for my laptop that was placed at the end of my sofa i go onto google and search up unique ways to tell your significant other you're pregnant.

tell them with booze
write it on a pizza box
put a bun in the oven

none of these were any good especially with what's happening right now. i sigh before looking even further for ways. After about an hour or so searching i found a way, it's nothing special but it's the only way that is possible right now.

going to the closest Tesco i find a black board and some white letters and pick out a card that says 'my boobs are about to get even more amazing' i plan on giving him the card first and then bring out the board. Once purchasing the items i head home and start to put all the bits and pieces together.

the letters on the board spelt out
'Well played quarantine
well played' with the positive pregnancy test stuck underneath the letters.

now i plan my outfit. I decided on a white white dress and some old skool vans. Nothing too fancy.
and i decided that i will curl my hair in loose curls and apply some light make up.
*skip to arriving the next day *
i'm sat on the blanket on the grass two meters away from harry. I want to give him the biggest hug ever.

'you don't understand how much i want to hug you right now' he says whilst frowning

'me too, this sucks' i sigh

we chatted and ate a few snacks for around 40 minutes and now it was finally the time to tell him.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now