twenty five

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i woke up and feel around the bed hoping for harry to be there, but nope he wasn't. I pick up my phone and message him, it's only 8am why is he awake.

                                         Harry x
                   morning, why are you up and ready it's
                      only 8am x

morning, hope you slept good.
•get ready and where something comfy
•no make up, just causal, you know that's how i like it
•meet me downstairs once you're ready x

i smile at his text, he definitely had that pre typed, he never types and replies that quick. I do as i am told and head downstairs wearing a pair of black leggings and Harry's Childish hoodie.

walking into the kitchen i cough to catch harry's attention, which he looks up at me with the biggest smile ever.

'good morning, how'd you sleep?' he gets up and hugs me

'good, what about you?' i look over his shoulder trying to spot anything to give away what he has planned. but no. nothing.

'yeah yeah good, come on follow me' he says taking my hand and almost dragging me out of his door.

'trust me, on this' he covers my eyes with his hands. Taking me somewhere, it took about 10 minutes, listening to harrys instructions and waffle we finally made it to the destination.

uncovering my eyes and revealing a cute picnic date thingy spot on the beach he looks at me

'i hope this isn't too much' he said

'no no of course not, i love it' i run and jump into his arms

'but why?' i question looking at him, still wrapped in his arms.

'i wanted to make the most of our last few hours here, especially since we won't be coming back for a good few months due to this shit that's going on.' he sighs slightly before i kiss him softly.

pulling away and releasing me from his arms, he begins to show me the food he had packed and the pull up projector. This is perfect.

sitting down in each others arms we talk about our favourite memories together and our dreams. Before then picking out a film to watch, harry let me choose so i chose Sausage party. It's inappropriate but it's mine and harrys favourite.

we tucked into some of the food harry had packed, the best Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ever!

'these are great' i say with my mouth kind of full

'my grandma used to make me them, so i learnt from the best' he smiles slightly before thinking about the loss of her.

'well, let me tell you she did a good job of teaching you' i nudge his shoulder softly

'i wish she could've met you, she would've loved you' he sighs whilst looking at me

'i wish i could've met her too, she seemed lovely..from what i've heard' i rest my head on his chest

'she loves you and is watching over you, remember that' i say quietly before continuing to watch the film.

Harry and i are in the uber back to my place in London. We said goodbye to his family and i said thank you for the amazing holiday.
short chapter sorry guys <3

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