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it's been 7 months and me and harry have gotten so much closer, going out on late night drives, many dates and we were both now officially dating eachother.

today is mine and harry's 5 month anniversary. We have no plans other than to just sit and watch movies all day.

i sit on the sofa whilst watching netflix on my laptop.
my phone pings and i look down to see no one other than harry.

haz- Hey babe, how did you sleep? x
me- good morning!, i slept amazingly, what about you babe x
haz- i've had better nights x
me- aw :( what's up? something on your mind?x

we messaged back and fourth like we usually do. Harry told me to come to his place around 3ish and dress a little more dressy than usual , it's now 1:40pm so i decide to get up and get ready for harry's.

once i'm out of the shower i dry my hair, do some loose curls and then apply the basic make up which i decide to do a smokey eye, with a nude lipstick. For my outfit i have chosen...

•I've just arrived at harry's place,i was about to knock the door when someone puts their hands over my eyes to cover them

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I've just arrived at harry's place,i was about to knock the door when someone puts their hands over my eyes to cover them.

i giggle 'bubs? is that you?' he kisses my neck for reassurance 'of course it is' 'what's going o-'
he cuts me off and takes hold of my hand 'just follow me..well i'll help of course' he leads me up to the roof top.

Harrys POV//
she is going to love this! i can't wait.
i slowly remove my hands from covering her eyes 'open' i whisper into her ear. She slowly opens her eyes and just stares at what's infront of her for a moment.
'Harry! this is- amazing' she says while spinning around with a ginormous smile on her face. she reaches up and pecks my lips..her lips are so soft i could kiss her for forever.

Lottie's POV//
i cannot believe he did this all for me. Pictures of us everywhere, a giant tv with a blanket and a buffet infront of it, it's beautiful.

he smiles whilst pulling away from the kiss 'you look beautiful, char'
i feel my cheeks heat up and look down trying to hide it 'likewise' was my response. He lifts my head up with his two fingers placed under my chin 'i love you' he says whilst smiling..clearly not noticing or caring about what he just said. 'i love you too' i say whilst looking from his eyes to his lips and back up, he kisses me but this time it was with more passion.

me and harry have been sat up on the rooftop since 3:30pm it's now getting colder and darker.

i shiver and cuddle into harry whilst watching the movie. he takes off his hoodie 'here' he says passing me his blue hoodie 'thank you, haz' i take the hoodie and put it on. God he smells so good. 'you smell good you know' i say whilst giggling. He looks at me and after a few moments of him admiring my face and me admiring his he replies with 'so that's why you like my hoodies so much' 'i guess you could say that, also the fact that it's your hoodie makes it better'. He laughs whilst shaking his head.

we're back at harry, freezy and cal's place now. Cal and freezy are sat on one sofa and Harry and I on the other.

' did you like it up there, lottie' freezy looks over to me.
i smile and look up from my phone which i was looking through the pictures me and harry had taken tonight 'yeah, it was beautiful..didn't think harry could pull something like that off' i say and chuckle slightly. Harry nudges my shoulder softly. 'he worked hard on it..feel special' lux says whilst getting up 'i'm going to edit, see ya' and with that lux walks out.

Harry's POV//
i look over at him the look to leave. It took him a few times to understand what i was trying to get across to him and when he did he gets up and he leaves.

i look down at Lottie's phone to see shes scrolling through pictures from tonight. 'i like that one' i say whilst putting my finger on the screen to stop her from scrolling. She looks up at me and smiles putting her phone down and climbs onto my lap.

what do you think happens? thank you for reading my book!!

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