twenty two

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we're just walking up the drive way of harry's childhood home, his parents and siblings there already to welcome us.

harry jogs over to his mum and gives her a hug, whilst i stand and talk to rosie. Me and rosie have spoken a few times over instagram but that's about it. Josh his brother, i've never spoken to.

'Charlotte!' i hear Mrs Lewis say whilst walking towards me and bringing me into a hug.

'nice to meet you, mrs lewis' i smile accepting the hug.

'sue, call me sue' she smiles pulling away from the hug.

'well nice to meet you, sue' i giggle, shes sweet.

'come meet Adrian' she takes my hand and leads me over to his dad, now this is what i'm nervous for.

'ah, Charlotte, it's great to finally meet you!' Mr Lewis says, holding out his hand for me to shake.

'you too, mr lewis, i mean adrian' i smile shaking his hand

'here, let me have those' he points to mine and Harry's suitcases that i am walking around with.
i hand over the suitcases before thanking him.

'Harry! i haven't seen you in so long' josh runs over to him and gives him a bro hug

'haven't missed you one bit, josh' harry says sarcastically before continuing to talk to him and rosie.

'come inside, tea or coffee?' Sue kindly asks me

'Tea please, one sugar' i smile softly before following her into the house.

'so, what made you think you could put up with harry and his madness' Sue laughs whilst making the tea

'i honestly don't know, it's a struggle' i chuckle, taking a seat at their dining table

'this house is beautiful, btw' i compliment the house

'thank you, it's nothing special. We're moving soon' she sighs

'how come?'

'we need a change, plus fans are always coming back and fourth here' she frowns handing me my tea

'thank you' i take a sip

'Harrys lucky to have you' she smiles taking a seat beside me

'you think?'

'yes, of course. You make him the best person he could ever be' she looks over at harry who is playing football with his brother and dad. Rosie coming to join us at the table.

we sit and talk for a while, getting to know each other a lot more

'mum you better not be giving her the birds and the bees talk' harry says walking in all sweaty and grabbing himself a bottle of water

'not yet harry, not yet' she smirks sarcastically, which i couldn't help but laugh at

'seems like you three get on well then' he comes to take a seat.

we nod our heads before smiling at eachother.

Harry's childhood room is quite something, i must say. Deflated footballs, old video games and alcohol i hope that's from when he visits now.

'so, what do you think of my amazing family?' he says walking over to me in just his shorts

'they're great! i definitely over-thought meeting them' i sighed. He lays next to me in his bed, looking around his room before bringing his attention back to me and cuddling me, my body relaxes.

what a hectic but amazing day. I'm glad meeting his parents and siblings is over and done with, now i can not be so nervous next time. I smile to myself and my thoughts

'everything alright?' he smiles, bringing me back to reality

'yeah, just thinking about how great today has been'

he places his hand on my cheek, caressing it. Our faces inches away from eachother, he kisses me. Causing my body to relax even more. I pull away slowly.

'would love to, but not right now' i smirk, now laying down and pulling the duvet over us both.

'goodnight, Charlotte' he yawns

'night' i close my eyes and feel my self drift into a sleep straight away.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now