Twenty eight

709 10 3

i wake up and instantly begin to panic, looking around the room i don't recognise, i turn to my left and see freezy. Cal fucking freezy, infact. Callum Airey.

'what the fuck' i whisper to myself
'are you stupid' i whisper again

'you're not stupid' freezy says in a raspy voice.

i look at him and frown
'you know i am, you just won't admit it.' i say climbing over the top of him and reaching for my clothes.

'Look, let's forget about last night' he sits up

'Don't you think i had that planned already?' i say in frustration.

'Charlotte, chill out.'

'chill out? what after last night' i pace around his room.

'you expect me to chill out after i cheated on my boyfriend'

'who by the way is your best mate' i look at him in anger

'i'll talk to him, this is my fault not yours' he gets up slowly putting his shorts back on.

'it is my fault, i allowed this to happen' i sigh sitting down on his bed and placing my head in my hands

'yeah you're right, it's both of our faults. But if he loves you he will forgive you' he tries to comfort me.

'harry isn't like that, he's got to be awkward like that' i sniffle

freezy places his arm around my shoulder.
'look, you go home, get some rest and i'll talk to him, i promise everything will be alright'

i nod in response, pick up my belongings and head towards the door. I feel the door handle turn as i place my hand onto it and before i know it Harry is stood infront of me.

'are you going to move or what?' he says harshly, i shakily remove my hand from the handle and look up to him.

'hello? anyone there?' he raises his voice

i move almost instantly and he barges past me with not a care in the world.

Shutting the door after me i try and compose myself as i needed to walk home and i didn't want to look like a loser.

*back at her apartment*

'T, i really messed up' i mumble whilst crying into her arms

'i'm sure everything will be fine, you were drunk.' Talia replies

'You're right, it was a drunken mistake.' i sigh before wiping away my tears

'thank you for coming over..especially after what i did, i am disgusting.' i look at her

'hey, we all make mistakes. Some worse than others. But we're friends and that's what friends are for, to be there for eachother no matter the situation' she brings me into a side hug before caressing my cheek.

'let's order some mcdonald's' Talia chuckles

'i'll have a 20 chicken nuggets please!'
'i'll put on a film too' i smile softly trying to be positive.

Talia orders the food and after 30 minutes it arrived.It smelt great. We sat and ate whilst watching moana, talia and i sang along to the songs too. My phone pinged. i looked down at it.

doesn't look like he's planning on forgiving you anytime soon:freezy

i knew it, thanks for trying i guess:lottie

i take a deep breath before putting my focus back on the tv.

'everything alright?'

'Freezy spoke to harry and he said it doesn't look like harry is planning on forgiving me anytime soon' i start to tear up

'i'm sure he will, just give him some time' she wipes my tears and pulls me into a reassuring hug.

'technically you didn't cheat, you were so close to but harry interrupted' she smiles at me

i just nod.

i haven't told talia or anyone about me going back to freezy's last night, it would only make this situation worse. Harry definitely knows, even though i told freezy not to mention anything. He would have forgave me by now if he knew we didn't actually kiss or go any further

'looks like simon wants me to head back now, i will message you tomorrow' talia gets up

'thanks for coming' i smile getting up and walking towards the door before letting her out and saying goodbye.

sitting on my bed in just my towel i go onto instagram and look back at my post when i announced that harry gave me the promise ring. That reminded me i still had it on. I took it off carefully and placed it in the top draw of my side unit. Looking back at instagram i noticed it said that 'wroetoshaw' was active. i was tempted to dm him but i decided not to, he needed time, space.(recovery, see what i did there)

turning my activity status off on almost everything i place my phone on my bed, get up and put on some joggers and a hoodie, that was stupidly big on me. I pick up my airpods, put my nike air force 1s on and head out of my apartment. I needed fresh air. I needed time to clear my head. To think of an apology that harry very well deserved.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now