fourty nine

628 9 1

*skipping like a year oops*
Harrys POV//
it's grayson's first birthday today. The time has gone by so fast and he's changed so much, he's looking more and more like both of us every day.

i'm walking around trying to settle grayson whilst charlotte and a few others set up the little party we are holding.

'i can't believe he's one already man' simon said as he took hold of graysons hand. I looked up at him and smiled.

'it's mad you know, it only seems like yesterday' i smiled in awe of how fast the time has gone. Lockdown has been all over the place, one minute we're in lockdown and the next we're not.

grayson began to cry again so i rocked him trying to make him calm down, but he wasn't having none of it and so i decided to give him over to his simon so i could make him a bottle. We are switching between breast feeding and also bottle feeding.

i shook up the bottle filled with warm milk and headed over to simon.

'you can feed him if you want' i said. Simon looked at me before shaking his head.

'you can, it's fine' he chuckled and handed him over to me.

'why not si?'

'don't wanna kill him do i?' he joked and i raised my eyebrows.

placing the bottle into graysons mouth he took hold of it, i still had hold of it a little. I gave him multiple kisses all over his face and headed to his room to get him ready for the day. Once he'd finished eating i gave him a quick bath and chose out an outfit.

i decided on a pair of jeans with a top on that said one with a crown on top of the O in one

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i decided on a pair of jeans with a top on that said one with a crown on top of the O in one. i stood him up with my hands and looked at him.

'looking smart buddy' i giggled and picked him up and spun around holding him up in the air. He giggled loudly and my heart melted.

'Grayson Parker Lewis is finally one' i heard his godfather, tobi say as he walked into the room. i looked back at him and smiled.

'oh look who finally turned up, grayson..didn't think he would come' i joked as i brought grayson down and held him closer.

'i'm his godfather i had to make an appearance, even if i was maybe a little late' tobi frowned and held his arms open, in which i gave him grayson and he gave him a big hug.

'how you doing little man' tobi said to grayson, not expecting a response.

'come on, it sounds like people are here' i said and walked back to the garden where everyone was gathered.

'you did an amazing job, babe' i said as i brought her into a hug and spun around.

'and you did an amazing job looking after him, babe' she kissed my lips softly, whilst i held her close. All of a sudden we heard a bunch of cheers, so we pulled away and put our attention over to where the noise was coming from, we rushed over and into the middle of the little crowd formed.

'no way did we just miss him taking his first steps!' charlotte frowned in disappointment.

'come on bud, walk over to mummy' i held onto him making sure he was stable before letting him go slowly. He stood for a moment catching his balance before taking one very slow and wobbly step towards charlotte. My eyes welled up of happiness. Charlotte pulled out his favourite cookies from her pocket and smiled at the little figure walking towards her.

'mummy's got your favourite cookies bud!!' i raised my voice excitedly.

'come on little man' i heard tobi say from the crowd.

'how cute!!' talia tuned in and jumped in excitement.

simon, jj and freya were recording of course which i know we will be thankful for.

Charlottes POV//
i held out my hands as our baby boy made his way over to me slowly, his hands reaching out closer to mine every few seconds. He did it. My one year old is walking.

'yayyyy' i picked him up as soon as he got to me and spun around. Harry came running over and hugging us both tightly.

'he did it haz' i sniffled

'our first baby just took his first few steps' he whispered and kissed us both on our foreheads.
'happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you..happy birthday dear Grayson..happy birthday to you!' everyone sung as we all crowded around the one year old in his high chair with the cake placed infront of him.
He was so intrigued in the cake he couldn't hold himself back and he started smashing the cake almost instantly. Everyone laughed at his silliness and coo'ed at his cuteness.
We took a few pictures for the memories and then we went round to opening presents.

harry placed his hand over the top of graysons and showed him how to tare the wrapping. He removed his hand but grayson just looked at the present confused.

'like this buddy' he said once more. But he wasn't just ready.

'maybe next year' i said and helped them open the presents.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now