Thirty four

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i search for my bag that i had brought with me and pulled out the card.

'here' i handed the card to him.

'what's this for?' he said with a confused look

'just look at it' i chuckle

'now i feel bad that i didn't get you anything' he frowns. Opening the envelope and slowly pulling out the card which looked like this

he looks at it confused before looking me up and down, trying to figure out what i was suggesting

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he looks at it confused before looking me up and down, trying to figure out what i was suggesting.

i laugh at his reaction

'i don't understand, oh nelly' he rubs the back of his neck

taking a deep breath i reach into my bag once again and pull out the board

taking a deep breath i reach into my bag once again and pull out the board

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'close your eyes' i say my back still facing him. He did so and i placed the board on the floor infront of him. Getting out my phone i tell him to open his eyes. This is it. The moment i've been so nervous for.

He looks at it, his expression is unreadable

'this has to be the first time i can't read your face' i chuckle nervously.

Harrys POV//
no this can't be right. No there is no way. This has to be a prank. I find myself staring at the board which had the pregnancy test placed on it. I'm in shock to say the least.

'this has to be a prank' i say still looking at the board blankly. She doesn't respond. This isn't a prank.

'you're going to be a dad, harry' she sighs, clearly unsure of my reaction

i finally look up at her with my eyes filled with tears of happiness but also worry. Without thinking i give her the biggest hug ever, which she accepted.

'I'm going to be a dad!' i pull away from the hug and start running around with my arms up in the air

' i cannot believe it' i yell, catching the attention of the people who are socially distancing. For a minute i forgot about the world wide pandemic that was going on. This is possible the best/worst news i've heard in a long time.

taking a seat two meters apart from her i look at her.

'Mummy Charlotte' i smile wiping my tears away

she giggles 'Daddy Harry' she smirks and winks

we both burst into hysterics. God i love this women.

'i can't wait, how long do i have to wait?' i eagerly ask

'9 months harry, 9 months' she shakes her head at my silliness

'9 months?!' i say almost a bit too loud

'yes haz, You are so silly' she chuckles before taking out her first scan picture. My heart drops. That is my baby right there. Boy or girl i couldn't care less.

'how far along are you?' i ask after realising i haven't yet asked.

'5 weeks' i smile at her response before giving her a kiss. Forgetting once again.

she pulls away 'social distancing' she frowns

'i know' i sigh

'when are we telling the friends, family and fans' i ask

'whenever you're ready, Talia already knows so Simon probably does too which also means JJ does.' i laughed at her

we both decide on telling everyone over a zoom call on Friday which is two days away,not how i planned on telling everyone i was going to be a dad for the first time but it is what it is. We also decided on me moving in, so we can spend time together during quarantine. So i wouldn't miss out on big moments of the pregnancy. We're telling the fans once we've told everyone else.
i'm not good at this lol i'm sorry if you expected more

i hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote!<3

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