Thirty two

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liked by wroetoshaw and 670k otherslottie_hx: coming soon!<3

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liked by wroetoshaw and 670k others
lottie_hx: coming soon!<3

@wroetoshaw: so proud of you!
@taliamar: yes queen
@ksi: This is already gonna bang, i know it
@Lauren_cx: My girl, right from the beginning x
replying to @lauren_cx: I love you!

i cannot believe in a few months i am releasing my first ever song. So much has happened these past few months. It's Now march. Me and harry if i must say have been better than ever, our love for eachother has blossomed, he trusts me again. I cannot express to you how much that means to me. And as far as freezy, we haven't spoke much. It's awkward between us. I can tell freezy still likes me, but me and him. It was just a fling. Me and the sidemen have gotten so much closer to, i've been going to their shoots a lot more, even if it's just to watch them.

However, i may have a very big problem. Not everything is good news. The past three days i have been waking up and throwing up. I'm nearly a week late for my period. Which by the way i never EVER miss a period. Which only leads me to one thing. I must be pregnant. If i am pregnant what will i do and how will harry react?.

looking at the shelves which display different branded pregnancy tests i try and figure out which ones are more reliable, from my own knowledge ClearBlue are pretty good.

'Oh hey L' i hear talia say from the end of the isle

oh no, no no. Wrong timing!.

'Talia! hi!' i say looking straight at her

'pregnancy test huh? planning on pranking harry?' she jokes.

i look at her seriously before taking a deep breath and shaking my head. She runs over to me and hugs me after realising this a serious matter. Not a care in the world about the 2 metre distancing.

'oh golly, everything will be alright. You might not even be pregnant' she says

'I never miss a period Talia and i never wake up Three days in a row and throw up' i sigh rubbing the back of my neck

'do you guys not you know...use protection?' she questions

'yes of course, but the last time i don't think we did. We were drunk as it was the last night before we went into lockdown and It got too heated and we didn't think about it' i shake my head

'surely, he wouldn't mind, right?'

'that's the thing T, i don't know if he's ready yet.' i said

'ClearBlue are the best ones, come on let's go get this over and done with.' she picks up the test before dragging me by the hand and paying for it.

Arriving back at my apartment i open the door, place the bag of stuff on my kitchen counter and pick out the two boxes of pregnancy tests i have.

'i think i'm ready' i say with a nervous tone to my voice

'good luck' Talia gives me a quick hug before ushering me toward the bathroom.

i lock the bathroom door behind me. Take the test. Now it's waiting game.

pacing around the bathroom nervously, looking over at the test every now and then waiting for it to say Not pregnant. After the longest 3 minutes of my whole life i pick up the test and squint at the writing.

it says pregnant. i inhale. This can't be right, there is no way. I take out the other pregnancy test i have, that isn't digital and take it. Waiting another three minutes it has one straight line. Which means i am pregnant. I start to hyperventilate.

'everything alright in there?' talia says knocking at the bathroom door.

i open the door and show her the two tests straight away.

'what am i going to do? I don't know if harrys ready yet. Or even if i'm ready. Oh god' i ramble

'hey hey, It's another 9 months yet. Hopefully the natural mother instinct will kick in by then' she reassured me

'Harry is definitely not ready, he will want me to get rid of it' i sigh, trying to calm myself down.

'He's not like that. Even if he does want that and you don't i'm sure he would understand'

i give her a hug

'what would i do without you Talia mar' i smile

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now