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Harrys POV//
i'm sat down in the kitchen, it's 8am and me and the boys are playing football today, for a more sidemen video. I honestly can't wait to just have fun and forget about everything for a few hours.

Getting up and putting my dirty dishes in the sink i here lux walk into the kitchen whilst laughing with freezy

'what you boys laughing at?' i turn around and lean on the counter

'Might wanna check your twitter mate' lux said

i pick up my phone and see Ethans tweet
'Cheating is fucked, but cheating with their best mate is even more fucked'
i look up at them both in confusion

'what's so funny?, he's spitting straight facts' i cross my arms

'Doesn't matter, harry' freezy said

'it does, what's so funny? come on' i said in a harsh tone

'Charlotte who is absolutely banging chose to cheat with freezy out of all the people' lux said laughing. I just shook my head and walked to my room.

'come on bog' i hear freezy call out, but i ignore him. This is not ruining my day.

After getting ready and heading to the Stadium that we hired for a few hours i was greeted by ethan, who i was picking up.

'why did you tweet that? the boys will be sus now' i sigh focusing on the road still

'it could be about anyone' he replied

'fine, don't mention it today.' i said before parking up and hoping out of the car
Charlottes POV//
i was awoken this morning by the sound of my alarm at 7:10am. I was finally going back to work today, after months of being off. I get up, get showered, have something to eat before i even pick up my phone and check twitter.

'Cheating is fucked but cheating with their best mate is even more fucked.'

I told harry or freezy not to tell anyone. And somehow ethan knows. I go onto messages and message harry straight away

Did you tell ethan?: lottie

'Right, what's your plans for today then charlotte?' my manger,lux says whilst walking towards me with a paper and pen.

i shrugged in response. Seeing Lux reminded me about how me and harry met.

'come on, you've been off for months and you haven't prepared anything?' his walking comes to a stop. He's acting like nothings happened.

'well..i only really looked at what shoes are in fashion right now, you know so we could base it off of that' i mumble

'So far i have found that bigger built shoes are in, but not anything to big' i continue standing up and showing him some of my findings

'perfect!, start sketching out the new designs' he smiles and walks away. He's being so arrogant. I don't miss this side of lux at all.

i get on with my work, my phone vibrated in my bag, so i searched through my bag and pulled out my phone. It was Harry of course.

He wanted to know why i was so quiet.:harry

people have been asking me the same, doesn't mean i'm going to tell them.:lottie

Charlotte come on, don't be like this:harry

like what? i mean i stick to my words.:lottie

oh do you? so you haven't said to me that you would never cheat and that you'll love me forever, no?:harry

i must admit he caught me out on that one.

i still love you harry, i always will. Yes i cheated. Yes i regret it of course i do. It was a drunken mistake.:lottie

i don't have time for this right now, can we meet up later? at like 5?:harry

Lux coughs from behind me.

'uh-sorry, i got distracted. This is what i've done so far' i state

'looks good' he peers over at the sketches

'i've shaded in the parts that will be different colours or tones' i smile proud of my work so far. I did hate work but i also had so much passion for it at the same time.

'smart, you finish is 30 minutes' he smiles before patting my shoulder and walking off to check on the other workers.

i quickly respond to harry, agreeing to meet up before continuing my work.
Arriving home i get changed into something a little more comfortable, grey joggers and a white crop top. I top up my make up, as minimal as possible and head to starbucks, where i was meeting harry.

taking a seat in the booth over in the far right corner i wait for my Caramel Frappuccino and harry.
Scrolling through twitter i hear the door swing open and a very awkward harry walk through and over to my table, taking a seat. We sat in silence for a moment before i spoke up.

'i hate this so much. us not speaking' i say quietly not quite making eye contact with him just yet.

'you brought this upon yourself, charlotte' he sighs

'i know i know, i regret it i really do. But i just don't know what to do, for you to forgive me' i say finally making eye contact with his very sad looking eyes

'you can't do anything, we just have to wait until i am ready to forgive you and move on. How am i supposed to know you won't do this again?' he stated

'i don't know but all i can say is i promise you i will never ever do this again, it's made me realise how much i love you' i sigh

'What so everytime you forget how much you love me you're gonna fuck off with someone else,my best mate even. Just to remind yourself?' he laughs shaking his head in disgust.

'Caramel Frappuccino?' the waiter said

i get up and collect my drink before sitting down again.

i let out the breath i had been holding
'i don't know what to say..apart from i'm sorry. Maybe we can take things slow?'

'We never broke up, We aren't starting again. I just need to learn to trust you again.' harry replied

'yeah right' ' i need to use the bathroom, back in a sec' i get up and walk to the bathroom.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now