twenty three

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'morning' harry says as he walks out of his en suite

i groan 'it's so early'

'it's not, it's 10am, you dickhead' he chuckles whilst putting on some after shave

today me and harry are going out to buy each other christmas presents, i honestly have no idea what to buy him, men are so hard to buy for.

'come on, get up and get ready' he drags me out of bed

'harry!' i yell as the door is open and i'm only in one of harrys t-shirts and my pants

with that he runs over to the door and shuts it, his face now bright red.

'sorry, sorry' he sits down on his bed and looks at his phone.

once i'm ready for the day me and harry head down for breakfast.

'morning both' Sue says whilst handing us both toast with a lot of butter on

'thank you' i smile softly before sitting down and beginning to eat

'Rosie, wanna join me and harry we're going shopping' i ask her

harry looks at me and rolls his eyes

'oo yes! i need to get some gifts actually' she gets up racing up to her room to get ready, i giggle.

arriving at the shopping centre me and rosie head straight victoria secrets, not asking if harry wanted to come or not. He followed behind us.

i take hold of harrys hand and drag him over to the spray section and spray 'Aqua kiss' on him

'ew, charlotte, no no no' he tries to shake off the fumes which i laugh at

'does it smell nice?' i smile

'yeah, yeah sure' he coughs to the strong smell, before wandering off to the bra and pants section, Of course.

'get this, you'll look fit in it' he says over to me, catching everyone's attention and then turning bright red

taking the set he picked up i look at it before finally replying 'you think? cuz i can't see myself in it'

'well i can see you in it' he bites his lip before placing it in the basket.

'Rosie, we're going to pay, we'll wait outside for you' harry says before paying for the stuff i had picked up, i wanted to pay for them but he was adamant he was paying.

'thank you' i take hold of his hand
'my treat' he pecks my lips

'right, i say we all split up and meet back here once buying our gifts' harry suggests

which me and rosie nod our heads and head off to the shops we need to go to.

Harrys POV//
walking to pandora i am met with some fans, they asked for pictures and then went on their way. Guernsey fans are the best. They're kind and understanding.

i headed into pandora and went straight to the counter to ask for what i was wanting, charlotte will love this i already know it.

after pandora i head to the shop where you buy pcs, microphones etc. Lottie's been getting into singing recently and posting them, she needs a microphone for it to sound even better than it already does. So i purchase one before then heading back to the spot we had arranged to meet back at.

The girls are taking forever, so i decide to just sit on a bench and relax.

after about 40 minutes they finally arrive back, their hands full with bags.

'you girls took forever' i sigh
'shut up, we actually took our time looking for gifts' rosie teases

'i've been looking for gifts for a while so i already knew what i was getting you both' i said proudly before walking away and back to my car.

Lottie's POV//
'he's no fun' rosie groans

'he hates shopping, i don't know why' i shrug my shoulders, before getting into the car

I'm in the living room whilst harry's in his room wrapping presents, i hope he likes what i got him.

'Fuck off' i hear harry getting frustrated with the present wrapping.
i chuckle to myself before finishing up and placing the presents under the tree.

'Mum, i can't do this' harry says walking into the living room

'harry you're 24 and you can't wrap presents' i giggle

'shut up, my mums always done it for me' he folds his arms.

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