Thirty six

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'so why are we joining the trend of zoom exactly?' Simon asked

'why not ay?' i smile

'it's the only way to communicate without actually seeing eachother in person' Harry explained to the group on the zoom call. We decided on doing a quiz before announcing it.

'Who has Tobi known the longest out of the sidemen?' i smirk

'josh' vik said
'jj' harry said which i looked at him funny
'josh' simon added

'It was josh, they went to school together you idiot' i said to harry and the others who got it wrong. We joked around for a bit more. I looked at harry and then at the baby grows. He nods in agreement before picking up a baby grow each.

'which one guys?' we both say in unison and hold up the two different baby grows.

'wait, who for? Herb?' Tobi joked.
i saw talia smile at me and wink.
'hold up, i wondered why you were looking chubbier' JJ joked which i laughed at. He knew i wouldn't take that seriously .

'excuse me, but seriously can you really tell? over a zoom call?' i raise my eyebrows.

'we're pregnant' harry said as i held up the first scan photos. Everyone ooo'd and awe'd.


'DADDY HARRY' josh said whilst laughing and looking at freya and smirking

'daddy josh sounds good to mate' harry says with a smug look on his face.

'congratulations guys' vik said once everyone had calmed down.

'i'm so happy for you both' Talia said with a big cheesy grin.

'a bro hug is what is needed right now, lads' ethan said whilst frowning

we spoke on the zoom for a few more hours, playing games, catching up.

'i'm so glad they didn't kick me out' harry said to me whilst i was cooking food.

'i wish they did, i wouldn't have to put up with their nonsense anymore' i joke.

'i'm also glad you get on with them' he looks back down at his phone. I just stare at him. He's going to be an amazing dad i know it. He has 9 months to become more mature and he's determined he will do it.

the smoke alarm goes off and i feel something hot touch my hand, the water from the pan. I instantly move my hand after coming back to reality and away from my thoughts.

'jesus, char' harry said coming over to me to make sure i'm okay.

'i'm fine, i'm fine' i look at him before looking at my arm which feels like it's on fire. Harry looks at my arm and drags me over to the sink to put cold water on it.

'please be careful, there's not just one of you to look after now there is two' harry said before looking at me in worry.

i calm myself down, trying not to go into a state of panic. He's right. I have a little baby growing inside of me.

'you're right, i'm sorry' i sigh. I feel his soft lips press against mine, making my body relax.

'let me finish cooking' he said walking over to the pan

'no no, it's my turn' me and harry take turns in cooking meals, especially now i'm trying to be healthier.

he looks at me and raises his eyebrows

'fine' i huff before walking to mine and now harrys room to shower. I didn't rush, i needed to relax. After i had finished showering i put on some black shorts and a t-shirt of harrys and put my hair up into a messy bun.

'bubs, foods ready' i hear harry shout from the kitchen. I head straight to the kitchen and take a seat on one of the black stools at the breakfast bar.

'so that's where that t-shirt went'' he chuckled,placing the bowl of food on the counter infront of me

'i've had this since The Bahamas, you can have it back if you want?'i smile

'it looks better on you anyway' he smiled before taking a bite of his food.

'This looks great' i look away from him and down at the bowl of spaghetti bolognese.

'you did most of it' he takes a seat beside me

'Harry! this is so good!' i exclaim, causing him to jump

'alright, don't act so shocked' he acts hurt in his words.

'oh shut up, you know you can't cook' i laugh

'how would you know missy? i've never cooked for you' he crosses his arms

'true that, you've only baked and that's easy' i said softly.

i took a sip of my water before spitting it out.

'why is that so sour!'

'it's water!!' i yell getting up and running to the sink to wash out my mouth. Harry is laughing at me.

'yeah it's lemon water' he said inbetween laughing

'i hate lemons! why would you do that' i start hitting him playfully

'that's what you get for scaring me earlier' he said trying to tickle me and being successful. He chased me over to the living room and tackled me onto the sofa tickling me.

'stop stop' i say trying to breath and stop laughing. He doesn't listen and continues.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now