Drinking problem???

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I walk into Buck's house, the music blaring and everybody dancing like sluts. I look around the room and don't see Soda anywhere, but I just shrug it off. I walk over to the bar and take a seat on a bar stool, "two vodka shots and a glass of tequila."

"Comin' right up baby," the bartender winks. I roll my eyes at him, but gladly accept the drink.

I chug down drink after drink, shot after shot. I stand up from the bar with a drink in my hand and stumble over to Steve, "hey! My best friend, Steve Randall!"

"Dylan, how much have you had to drink?" He asks me eyeing me up and down.

"Ten maybe?" I inform him as a question. "And a lot of shots?"

"Oh god, Dylan," he sighs.

"What? Where's Soda?" 

"You shouldn't see him right now."

"No, I have to tell him how I feel about him."

"No, you don't Dylan." 

"I have to tell him," I argue as I see Soda. "Soda!"

He turns around to see me and runs towards me, "hey Dyl!"

"I have to tell you how I feel about you," I inform him slurring my words.

"Whoa, are you drunk?" He asks taking a step back.

"No, just a little tipsy," I laugh.

"Well, let's go up to Dally's room."

"Okay," once we get up there we both sit on the bed and I start my speech to Sodapop. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis, god even saying your name makes butterflies erupt in my tummy. I'm in love with you. I love the feeling of your soft lips on mine. I love your touch, your hand holding mine. I love everything about you. I want to be with you forever, but there's one issue. I don't trust you. You've cheated on me a lot and it still hurts. I love you Sodapop, but I'm afraid to be in love with you because you cheated on me. Soda, I don't know if I can do this anymore. I love you no I'm in love with all my heart, but we-we're over. I can't date somebody I don't trust. I'm sorry."

"Dylan, please," his voice cracks as tears form in his eyes."I love you too and those were mistakes, you've changed me."

"No Sodapop, save it! I can't do this, I spend so many nights in my bed crying because, when I'm not with you we, us, it feels wrong. When I'm with you everything feels perfect, but not when I'm away from you."

"Dylan, please, don't say this. You're drunk! We feel right, I feel right. When I'm with you, everything is perfect. I want to be with you forever, I want to marry you one day. I love you Dylan. Please you're drunk because, you have a drinking problem, but I don't care. I'll love you 'til the end because I have problems too, Dylan."

"Soda, don't make this harder than it has to be, I'm giving you up not because I want to, but because I have to!"

"You're lying! You don't have to, you want to! How long have you felt this way? Why do you feel this way? You forgave me, so why now?"

"Because, Soda, we're wrong for each other. I don't care if I'm drunk or sober, we're over," and with that I walk out of the room and chug down more alcohol.


I wake up in a strange room that I've never seen before with a feeling that this is wrong and I don't remember a single thing of what happened last night. "Sodapop?" I ask turning over to see that there is nobody next to me. "Sodapop!" A single tear escapes my eye and falls down my cheek. I look to see I'm wearing a guy's shirt ten sizes to big, one that looks awfully familiar. I look next to the bed to see all my clothing in a pile with a ripped note on top of it next to me.

I slowly walk toward the pile and pick up the note, Darrel James Curtis had I feel my heart drop as I recognize the shirt as Darry's. I squeeze my eyes shut as tears gush out of them, I had a one night stand with my boyfriend's brother. I grab my clothing and hold my heels, throwing on a pair of my sunglasses, I've left in the room that I now recognize as Buck's and leaving the house. I'm doing the walk of shame.

I slip into the Curtis house to see Sodapop passed out on the couch his face tear-stained. Does he know? I kiss his forehead and continue my walk until I get to Darry's room. I look on the end table to see he had the other half of the note, sex with Dylan Rose Jueggers. I place the other half of the note on his end table and write in the dust, 'Dylan found the other half and has your shirt. I'm sorry, but she doesn't remember what happened.'

I walk out of the house not bothering to change and I walk straight home, happy to find that my parents are still sleeping and Lexi's with Dally. I plop on my bed and cry falling back asleep in Darry's shirt. I'm never going back to that house again. Ever. I'm not sure if Soda knows or what he was crying about. I remember nothing.

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