Dingo Surprise

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"We're home!" Lexi and I smile as we burst into the Curtis house.

"Lexi!" Dally yells as he runs over to Lexi kissing her passionately.

"Dally, I missed you," she smiles back to him as they break away.

"What am I? Chop Liver?" I laugh before Dally hugs me.

"Hey kid. How are ya?" He asks laughing a little back at me.

"Good Dally, really really good," I smile. "I'm just so good it's unbelievable."

"That's great kid. Maybe we should send you two down to Jersey more often," he jokes punching me in a friendly way.

"Maybe," I shrug. "Where's Soda?" The whole house goes quiet as Pony steps forward just hugging me as a few tears slide down his cheeks. That's when I release he hasn't called for a few days. "Guys, where's Soda?" My voice breaks as I speak and tears form in my eyes. "Please, somebody answer me." The tears spill out of my eyes and down my cheeks forming tiny rivers that flow down my now red cheeks.

"He's at the Dingo," Two-bit breaks.

"Okay," I say as I dash out the door. I don't stop until I get to the Dingo. I look over to see Soda with a greasy girl with jet black hair, huge bright blue eyes, bright red lipstick, size zero, girl laughing. I listen in to his conversation my heart breaking with every word, "I really like you Sodapop. I wish I would of came to the DX earlier."

"I know Kylie, same here. The good news is it's our one month anniversary," he smiles as he pulls out a small box.

"Soda, you shouldn't have!" She squeals.

"C'mon Kylie open it," he smiles. She looks at him smiling big as she takes off the big red bow opening the small box to reveal a small gold bracelet that has Soda's Girl engraved in it. "I love you Kylie Elizabeth Thomas."

"I love you too Sodapop Micheal Curtis," she beams happily as she grabs his cheeks and forcefully kisses him as she slides the Paraclete onto her small wrist.

I walk over to the table tears pounding down my cheeks, "I can't believe you Sodapop! I gave you a second chance and you ruin it!" 

"Dylan?" He asks his eyes filled with worry.

"Who is she Sodapop?" Kylie asks.

"His girlfriend," I cry as I show her Soda's ring that is now on my finger.

"Soda, you told me you lost that!" She yells.

"No. he gave it to me," I cry. "I cared about you Soda. I gave you a second chance, but you're a cheater!"

"Dylan please, she means nothing to me," he pleads. "That's fake gold!"

"I don't care you-you-you-you you two-timing asshole!" I yell still crying as I throw his ring at him. "I never want to see you again!"

"I hate you Sodapop!" Kylie also yells throwing the crappy bracelet at him.

"I don't care if you hate me Kylie! I care about Dylan," he cries.

"Well, I don't care about you Soda," I cry as I run out of the restaurant sobbing leaving Sodapop standing outside in the cold balling yet he doesn't run after me. I break down at the lot sobbing loudly.

"You found out huh?" I hear a voice say.

I look up to see Darry, "yea, I'm afraid I did Darbear. Why didn't any of you guys tell me if you all care about me?"

"We didn't want to see ya hurting," he sighs as he sits down next to me wrapping his large arms around my strong body.

"I thought it was gonna work out this time Dar! I thought he really cared about me but, he doesn't," I sob.

"I know Dyl, I know," he replies as he rubs my back. "Just believe me, he does care. He's been home all night crying"

"How's the kid doing Darry?" I hear a tough New York accent ask.

"Not to well Dall, not to well," I hear him sigh.

"It's gonna be okay Dylan believe me," I hear a soft voice I recognize as Johnny say as I feel a soft arms wrapping around me.

"Yea, Dyl. Soda was being stupid, but he does care," I hear Pony reply.

"Cheer up Dyl, I hate seein' ya like this," I hear Two-bit say.

"You know Dyl, I think Soda's stupid for doing this, any guy would be lucky to get a girl like you," Steve informs me.

"I would have to agree sis'," Lexi says.

I look up from my knees to see the whole gang sitting around me mending my broken heart. It's times like this when I can't help, but smile even though my heart is slowly breaking, "thanks guys. I love all of you."

"We love ya too kid," Dally smiles a warm smile. "Hey, can I talk to Dylan alone real quick?"

"Sure just don't hurt her anymore. Ya dig?" Darry commands. Dally nods as he sits down next to me.

I wipe under my eyes as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer, "hey Dylan, I want you to know that Soda does care. You guys might not be meant to be as boyfriend and girlfriends, but defiantly best friends I love your sister with all my heart, but I also love you just in a different way. Now, don't you go running off, we'd miss you too much Dyl. You should talk to Sodapop, he's really torn up, but if you don't want to I defiantly understand. I broke so many girls heart, but Lexi changed me, please change Soda the same way. He could be a good boyfriend, I know he can because I saw him with Sandy, but he hasn't been the same since. When you two were best friends I saw that part of him again and I didn't want him to loose it, but I'm afraid he has, you two have a connection. Are you gonna throw that all away? I don't blame ya if you don't wanna date him again, but at least be his best friend again kid. He needs you, the gang needs you. I need you. Kid, the worst thing I did was push you away from us, I regret doing that every single day I see you making the gang smile and laugh. I really hope you and Soda can work this out because I don't want him the way he was, but mostly...I don't want to see that glimmer in your eyes disappear. There's something about you and Lexi that make you different, so just hold on there kid. I love you and I know your a tough girl who can make it through this. I believe in you."

"Thanks Dally, but I don't wanna see Soda ever again. I wish I could forget about everything, but I can't. The thought of Sodapop kills me and I could never look at him the same way I did yesterday or even a few hours ago. My life was falling apart when we met, but he fixed me again. Sadly, I am falling apart again and it's his fault. I can't go back to that house and I can't go back to my old ways. I love you too Dally and I'm sorry," I sob.

"It's alright kid. I don't blame you, I just don't want to see either of you two hurting," he sighs hugging me tighter before Lexi comes sitting down on the other side of me. "I got my two girls, my girlfriend and my best friend."

"I got the two most important people in this world, my sister and my best friend," I smile at the two of them.

"I got the two best people in the whole wide world, my boyfriend and my sister," Lexi smiles as she pecks my cheek. 

I sit there brokenhearted, but content with the gang in the background minus Soda, Dally sitting to my one side and Lexi to my other. The only thing missing in Kendall and Soda. If only she was here everything would be better, I would of never met Sodapop. Then again, I wouldn't of meet the people that mean the most to me either, the gang.

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