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I walk into a party, a few weeks after the birth of Dakota, not because I want to, but because, the gang thinks I need to get out. I look down at my once again smallish stomach and a single tear streams down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away.

I walk over and sit next to Lexi, "hey do you know where Soda is?"

She glances around the room, indicating that she's lying as she whispers, "nope, sorry."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes as I walk away spotting Pony. I'll ask him. "Hey Pone. Do you know where Soda is?"

"Uhhhh," he thinks. "He doesn't feel well, he told me he was gonna go to Buck's room. He had a little to much to drink. I think he's drunk, you might not want to go up there." He's lying too, Soda doesn't drink.

"Thanks Pony," I smile a fake smile as I walk upstairs to get the truth.

I put my ear up to the door and hear a voice, I never thought I'd ever hear again. especially not talking to Sodapop...Sandy's. "Babe, I never stopped loving you."

I open the door and my heart immediately breaks as I see the scene in front of me play out. He grabs her cheeks, cupping her face in his hands as she wraps her tiny arms around his neck. I watch as they hard core make-up and I take this time to sneak  in. They pull apart for a second just to catch their breath, but jump back-in immediately

The tears pound down my cheeks, but I've been used to this ever since Dakota left. As they pull apart Sandy looks over to me and smiles an evil smile as she says in a bitchy tone, "I've won."

I look over to Soda and go off, "you know Soda, you're the biggest lying faker, I've ever met. I wish I never bumped into you in the DX. I wish I never became a stupid greasy girl because, I'm not meant to be one. I wish I never joined this stupid gang, all they do is lie to me and now my sister is too. I hate all of you! You know, they say Dally is so mean, that he's a player, a cheater, uses women, but no that's you Sodapop!"

He looks over to me with tears also pouring down his cheeks, "Dylan, please let me explain. It's not what it looks like."

"What you're not making-out with Sandy? You're not cheating on me right after I lost my baby?" I ask him.

"He was my baby too!" He yells. "And I was making-out with Sandy, but you don't know why! You don't understand! You never will!"

"I'll never understand. Mhmm, you're right I won't because, I don't want to hear your stupid explanation. I don't want to hear another one of your stupid lies! I'm so done with you and the gang and everything I've been through in stupid Tulsa and my sister and my memories and everything else that has happened here. You know Steve loves me, he kissed me and I pushed him off me because, I love you, but maybe I shouldn't have pushed him, maybe I should of kissed him because he was right. You don't love me! You never did and you never will! Just answer my one question please. Why? Why aren't I good enough? Why did you do this to me when she cheated on you? She cheated on you Sodapop! She doesn't love you like I do. She never will because, she doesn't know how to. So why? Why are you still in love with her and not me? Am I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? Smart enough? Good enough? Do I not live up to the great Sandy Smith? Tell me Soda. Why?" I yell as more tears enter my face.

"Please," he whispers through his tears. "Please just listen."

"NO! You don't deserve another chance. You don't deserve to get to explain and weave your way back into my life...again!" I yell. "I'm done with you! I'm done with all your lies, you're empty promises, your fake emotions. I'm done with you Sodapop! We're over!"

"What?" He asks as the tears continue pouring out.

"We're over Soda! I hate you," I yell at him as I walk out of the room making sure I slam the door when I leave. 

I  run down the stairs with tears forming black streams down my bright red, blotchy face. As I run I hear Two-bit yelling after me, "Dylan! Dylan wait! What's wrong?"

I turn around to answer his questions, "what's wrong? What's wrong! You're stupid friend, is a lying cheater asshole with no respect. The gang, 'my' gang, your gang, you, you guys don't care about me. You guys cover up Soda's ass even if it means hurting me. Even if it means what it means and that is loosing me because I'm done! I'm so over you guys! Even my 'sister' is sucked into his trap and lying to me. Well you know, I hate you! I hate the whole stupid gang and everybody in it! None of you care about me and I don't care anymore! I'm done! I'm over it!" I turn around sharply on my one heel and continue walking only looking back once to find the whole gang watching me walk away as Soda cries. He doesn't go after me, he just sits there crying as the whole gang falls into his trap comforting him even though he never loved me. It was all one big act.


I sit at the train station with one small pink suitcase next to me, my bookbag, my one way ticket to Northern California, and my white MK purse. Tears stream down my cheeks as I wait. I wish the gang would come running for me, but I know that won't happen. I know, they don't care and I won't let them hurt me anymore. I'm too strong for that. I've been broken to many times to let a few guys and my sister tear me down.

I rest my head against the wall as I think back to memories with the gang. One of my favorites was with Two-bit and Sodapop

"Sodapop Curtis!" I squeal as he throws me over his shoulder.

"Over here Soda," I hear Two-bit laugh and the next thing I know I'm flying in the air until, I crash into Two's arms.

"Hi Two-bit," I giggle.

"Hey Dyl-pickles," he chuckles.

"Mickey's on Two-bit," I hear Pony yell form the living room and he drops me making me thud on the ground. I rub my head as I sarcastically thank him. He looks over to me and chuckles nervously. "Sorry Dylan."

I get pulled out of my thoughts by a simple announcement, "train 459 is boarding now, it is heading to, Crescent City in Northern California. Repeating, train 459 is boarding now, it is heading to Crescent City in Northern California."

I grab my stuff and step onto the train handing the person in front my ticket. I fall asleep on the train thinking about leaving behind Tulsa, leaving behind Jersey, leaving behind everything in it and just forget it. I'm gonna forget about everything, Lexi, Kendall, Rylee, my parents, Sammie, Lizzie, Bethers, Soda, Darry, Pony, Dakota, Johnny, Dally, Steve, Two-bit, Noah, Ryan, Sandy, all the girls Soda cheated on me with, the car crash, my depression, the hospital, my first experience with birth. I'm gonna forget about everything and move on.


"Wake up ma'am," I hear an unrecognizable voice say as he shakes me back and forth.

I open my eyes to see a older looking man shake me back and forth trying to wake me up. I ask the first two questions that pop into my mind, "what time is it? Where am I?"

"You're in Crescent City, California and it's 4:30ish," he responds.

"Oh yea," I say remembering the events leading up to this. "Thanks." I smile polity as I grab my stuff and walk outside. This is my new start.


There will be a squeal soon. This is a book series, not just a single book. I don't know when I'll start it, but I'll let you now when it is up. Stay gold. Do it for Johnny! You're guys are awesome for reading my book. If you don't know what to read now I would suggest:

One of my other books, Home, sweet, home. Not!

 Tori_Berry157, Dally's kid sister,

SylviaD1999, The Outsiders: My Story 

Melfox, Our Love Will Never Die: A Dallas Winston Love Story (The Outsiders FF)

stevierandle98, My knight in shining armor (sodapop Curtis love story) 

Maddyboy_Curtis, Lost in the Outsiders 

Reckless_Abandon_13, If the Heart is Always Searching...An Outsiders Fanfiction

Greasy Love Part One (Outsiders Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now