Date gone wrong

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I sit down across from Soda at the Dingo, of all places with no fish or chicken. I don't eat red meat but, I'll just calm down. I'm sure he has something planned that will make it all better. We sit there in an awkward silence as he chugs down water. Soon enough a waitress with her ass, boobs, and stomach hanging out comes over to us, "what would you like?"

"Uh two chocolate milk shakes, two orders of fries, and two burgers," he orders for both of us. Burgers? I don't eat burgers. I'll just try to stay calm. I am his girlfriend.

"Uh Soda, I'm gonna use the restroom," I say shyly.

"Okay, see ya in a few Dyl," he replies with a smirk that I don't like. I walk into the restroom not really because I need to use it but, because I just couldn't take the silence anymore and Lexi is waiting in there. 

"Dylan! Why are in here? The date's still going on," she whisper yells at me.

"I couldn't take it anymore! It's silent and weird. He's chugging water, not saying a word to me. The waitress is some blonde bimbo with everything hanging out. He ordered me a burger. A burger! I can't take it anymore," I say a little to fast.

 "Calm down Dyl. Soda's probably just nervous. Just start a conversation. He's your best friend for crying out loud!" She says dramatically.

"You're right. He is my best friend. I can do this. I'm gonna go and talk to him about. What do I talk to him about?" I ask feeling completely insecure out of nowhere.

"I don't, ask him about the gang or something. Crack a joke. You tell me," she says as she shrugs.

"Okay," I nod as I walk outside. I walk back to the table and my heart sinks shattering into a millions pieces as I see the scene play out in front of me. He is making-out with the watress. "Soda," I croak out as tears form stream down my cheeks.

"Oh my god! Dylan. I'm so sorry. Let me ex-" he starts.

"NO! Don't!" I yell loudly as Alex walks out of the bathroom. I rip the necklace he gave me off my neck throwing it at him. "I never want to see you again! I never want to talk to you again! I hate you Sodapop Curtis!" I run out of the Dingo with tears streaming down my face.

"Dylan wait!" I hear Lexi yell.

I turn around, "I'm not going back there. No way. Not in this lifetime. I never want to see stupid Sodapop Curtis again!"

"What happened?"

"He cheated on me. He was kissing another girl on our first date. He clearly doesn't care about me. You go to the Curtis house I'm going home."

"Don't be stupid!" She screams.

"Stupid? Stupid! How am I being stupid? He doesn't care! He never did! God! I...I...I wish Kendall was here 'cause she understands! She always understood. You should have grabbed her and not me. She was always a better person. Lexi! Lexi! Lexi! God it sounds so much like Lex! That's what she used to call you! How could you let anybody else call you that Alex! Lex? Lex? Lex! I am not better! I just ignored the fact that I am still shattered but, you know what. I'm tired. I'm so tired of acting like everything okays. It's not so, I'm done! I need to see Kendall. I can't take it anymore. So go, enjoy you're life without me!" I scream through my tears as I run off away from Alex or Lexi or Lex. 

"Oh yea Dylan! Then just go, run away like a coward. That's all you are. A coward!" I hear Alex yell back to me.

I run and run until I'm out of Tulsa. Far away from the scene. I looked at the sign, now leaving Tulsa. I can keep running and never go back or I can stop right here. This invisible line can help me start over. I sit right outside of Tulsa and scream off the top of my lungs as tears stream down my face. "Why'd you leave me Kendall? Huh? Why you? I need you! I'm nothing without you! I'm lost. I'm so lost and shattered without you. It hurts so bad! It hurts me being alive, waking up, meeting people, and seeing people without you!"

Greasy Love Part One (Outsiders Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now