Hello, old friend of mine.

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"Save me! Please! Somebody save me!" I yelp as I run down the streets of Tulsa. 

"Dylan wait," Soda screams after to me.

"Help! Help! Help! Help!" I yell as I try to run away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. "Hello, old friend of mine."

"Dylan, what happened?" Soda asks with tears forming in his eyes.

"Help me please! Help! Help! Help!" I scream loudly as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Dylan, calm down, nothing is gonna happen to you. I won't hurt you. Just tell me why you shut me out," he says softly as a stray tear escapes his eye.

"I had to," I reply coldly. "Now let me go!"

"Dylan, please stop running!" He begs as tears now stream down his cheeks. "What changed between us?"

"We kissed! No we made out! You ran away from me crying and I'm dating somebody now. You're also dating Sandy," I say holding back tears. "I care about you Soda, I really do, but let me go and never look back."

"Please, I miss you. I miss how much we fun we had. Don't you remember the car wash? Or the DX counter tops? Our piggy back rides? Races? Please, I can't loose my best friend," he cries loudly.

At this point we're both crying but, I tear my wrist out of his grasp, "goodbye Sodapop Curtis, it's for the best."

"What are you so afraid of? Are you afraid of getting cared about Dylan? What happened?" He yells out to me. I don't even have to look back to see the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Dylan please!"

I turn around to look at him, "what changed Soda? What changed? You have a girlfriend and we made out. You left me on a beach I've never been to! And why? Why did you leave me? Why did you kiss me? Why did you run?"

"I ran because, I felt something! I felt something, I've never felt before," Soda yells. 

"Yea, well you threw that away and I like this boy a lot so goodbye Sodapop," I cry as I run off feeling my heart shatter into millions of pieces.


Sorry the last few chapters were short they'll get longer, they're just fillers.

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