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"Hey Dyl, how ya holding up?" Steve asks as he walks in with the rest of gang minus Soda once again to visit.

"Fine, I guess," I shrug as I make sure to hide my tear stained face .

"Dyl, you don't have to hind anything from us, it's okay if you're hurting," Pony informs me as he sits on my bed.

"I know," I reply quickly. "I'm just kind of tired."

"Do you want us to come back another time?" Darry asks.

"Please," I say letting out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, see ya later Dyl," Dally replies as they leave. There's a hum of the boys saying goodbye and as soon as I hear the door close I start to ball my eyes out. I clutch onto the white stuffed dog that Kendall got me as I cry. I sit there sobbing as I hear the door open. "Hey Dyl," I hear Darry speak.

I sniffle a little clearing my throat before I croak, "hey Darry."

"Don't cry Dylan," he sighs as he sits next to me hugging me. "You really cared about him didn't you?"

"Yea," Is frown. "I don't know, maybe Tulsa isn't meant for me. I just don't think Jersey is either. Maybe I'm not made for anywhere."

"Hey, don't go talkin' like that kiddo, you are made for life. I love you and so does everybody else in the gang," he shakes his head.

"Soda doesn't," I choke out.

"Well, then he's an idiot because you're great and whoever can't see that is an idiot," he says clearly getting angry.

"I don't know Darry since Kendall nothing has been the same," I sigh.

"I know, same with my parents," he replies hugging me tightly.

"I wish it was me instead of her. I wish Lexi pulled back Kendall instead of me. I should of been the one hit by that car. Kendall had so much drive and passion. She was the sweetest, most caring girl you'd ever meet. She was the best and she had so much to live for...I don't I should of died that day," I cry.

"No, you shouldn't of because if you were to die that day then I wouldn't of ever meet the girl that will make other people smile even if it means making herself cry every day," he replies softly. "I love you so much Dylan."

"I love you too Darry, but I have nothing left and I'm sorry," I sigh as I get up off my bed.

"Dylan, don't you dare do anything stupid! Dylan!" I hear Darry yelling, but I ignore him and jump into one of the spare cars in the garage. I'll never understand why we have so many cars. I let the engine roar and I put my feet on the gas petal as I sob my vision blurs. I speed on the streets with Darry following me closely. I ignore it and keep driving though. I'm gonna do this. I look straight ahead to see the traffic, if I drive in the middle of that I'll die. I put my hand on the seat belt to unbuckle myself but, I don't. Is this what I've become? Why am I doing this?  

I slam on the breaks trying to stop my car from plunging into traffic, but instead I swerve. My head slams against the window shattering the glass. "Dylan!" I hear Darry yell.

I sit there watching the commotion, but in to much agony to move. The whole world is swirling around me. The gang walks to the scene not knowing what's going on. As soon as Lexi sees me she drops Dally's running towards me as she cries, "Dylan! Please no. You're all I have left."

The whole gang is surrounding me in tears as I watch everything swirl and dance around me. The whole gang is talking at me, I look around trying to figure out what's happening, but everything sounds more distant. It all seems so weak. "Kendall," I croak out ever so softly.

"She's gonna live!" I hear Lexi scream through what sounds like tears, but it sounds so distant. I can't stand to think I caused all this commotion. All the cars are stopped and everything is surrounding me. I don't even know what happened. I move my head ever so slightly to look down at my body. What I see is terrifying.

My stomach is ripped open, my one arm is dislocated, my right hand is covered in blood, my one leg has huge cuts all over it, the other looks broken, and everything in the car is covered in blood. I'm just grateful the only thing I feel is my neck. 

I continue to look at the commotion, but not for long because after a few seconds everything goes black.

Greasy Love Part One (Outsiders Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now