Dinner with the Gang

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I slowly walk up to the front door of the address Soda gave me. I pull out my mirror and take one more look at my crimped hair, bright red lipstick, eyeliner surrounding my hazel eyes, my long, black eyelashes, and my tan eye-shadow. I smooth out my creme colored sweet-heart dress that is tight at the top but, loose at the bottom, I matched it with a tan belt, tan purse, and tan ballet flats. I knock on the door and wait until an unfamiliar guy walks up to the door. He has chocolate all over his face, a beer in one hand, and a mickey mouse tank-top on. "Are you Darry?" I ask.

"No, what is a lovely lady like you doing here?" He replied with a question or a compliment thing, that I don't understand.

"Uh, I'm sorry is this the Curtis house?" I ask him back as I look at the address then down at the paper Soda gave me.

"Yes, it is. Who are you?" He asks.

"My name is Dylan, I met Soda and Steve yesterday then when I came down at the DX, Soda gave me his address so I could come over for dinner. Is this the right house?"

"Oh, you're a friend of Soda's and Steve's, please come in," he smiles as he moves out of the way. I step in and look around the chaotic house. I see Soda and Steve wrestling on the floor, The guy at the door is now sitting in front of the T.V. with cake and beer laughing to Mickey Mouse. A muscular guy sitting on a beat-up chair reading the paper. A tough looking guy leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette. I look over to see a darker boy sitting next to another boy who is reading. I lean against the other wall and watch as the chaos plays out. I go unnoticed for a while.

I stand there until after ten minutes of nobody noticing me, I turn away sighing a little. I walk away going to leave the house but, as I open the door I hear Soda yell, "Dyl! Where are you going? I thought you were staying for dinner."

I turn around on one heel to see the crowd of boys now looking at me. I nervously pull at my dress as I clear my throat awkwardly. "Uh, I've been here for like ten to fiffteen minutes and nothing, so I didn't know if I was welcomed or not."

"Dylan, you're defiantly welcomed," Soda smiles.

"Well Sodapop, then I'll stay," I smile back.

"They've been doing this thing all day. I don't know they were flirting with each other at the DX and always catching glances at each other as they smile at each other from across the room. I think Dylan's just a flirt like good ol' Sodapop over here," Steve announces making me blush. I cover my red cheeks with my hands.

"Shut up Steve!" I yell in a high pitched voice.

"Awe, she's a cute one Soda. Cute but, not hot Soda," the guy who's leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette chuckles lowly.

I bite my lip as I look away. Soda must of release because he speaks up, "guys stop it! You're making Dylan nervous." He slings his arms around my shoulders making me nervously press my lips together.

"Whe-whe-when's dinner?" I stutter out.

"I'm gonna go start it," the muscular guy replies as he stands up and walks into the small kitchen to the left of the room.


"DINNER!" The muscular guy yells from the kitchen. All the boys race to the dinning room nearly tackling me to the room. I stop walking as I stare at the boys with my eyes wide. I've always been the shy type around a lot of people but, since what happened in Jersey it's only gotten worse. I AM shattered into millions of pieces. Soda looks at me shouts, "Dyl, you coming?" I nod as I slowly walk towards the seat next to Sodapop weakly smiling at him. "So, I don't think you've properly met the gang. Dyl this is..."

"Ponyboy," the kid who was reading the book says.

"Johnny," the kid sitting next to Pony says barely above a whisper.

"Dally," the one guy who was smoking nods. 

"Darry," the guy who cooked dinner stated.

"Two-bit," the guy who answered the door informs me.

"Dylan," I whisper back to them smiling slightly. 

All the boys stuff their faces with food while I just sit back and watch the boys eat. I nervously play with my hair as I watch the boys eat but, I don't take a bite of food. I don't eat red meat and of course it's burgers. Steve looks at me and asks, "you gonna eat Dylan or just sit there and watch us eat?"

"Uh I just kind of don't eat red meat. I eat chicken and fish and eggs and everything but, red meat. I'm sorry," I reply.

"No! It's okay. If anything we're sorry, we didn't know. What are you gonna eat now?" Darry asks.

"My dad was cooking chicken-parm tonight and I was kind of upset because that's my favorite, I'll just eat that when I get home," I inform them.

"Oh okay," Darry sighs. "We'll try again soon and that time we'll make chicken or something like that for you."

"Thanks Darry," I smile. "I should go home, I'll see you guys tomorrow? I'll also stop by the DX. Do you work tomorrow?"

"Yea, I'll walk you out Dylan," he smiles as he stands up. 

Once we get outside I smile shyly at Sodapop, "thanks for inviting me over Soda. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sorry about tonight Dyl, if I would have known it would of been different but, we'll try again. 'Kay I'll see ya tomorrow. Bye Dylan."

"Goodbye Sodapop," I smile as I walk off. I quickly walk home and heat up some left over chicken parm. I sit down hoping to enjoy it but, nope.

"Hey lil' sis'! Uh-oh, left-overs. What happened?" Alex asks as she plops down next to me on the couch.

"Well nothing bad. I don't know the gang seems nice but, I just I don't know since the popular people, I've been you know. The reason I'm eating left-overs is because they had burgers," I inform her not going into to much detail.

"Oh okay. I know you've been kind of insecure since what happened eighth grade but you'll be okay Dylan," she says as she rubs my back to comfort me.

"I know I will, I just. I don't like getting too close to people because, people suck and they let you down stomping on your heart."

"I know Dylan, I know." The rest of the night I spend with Alex chit-chatting about everything.

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