Break-ups and make-ups

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I walk into a Buck Merril's party with my boyfriend, Ryan at my side. I got into a fight with Sodapop yesterday and I needed to get my mind off it. I haven't seen him in forever and that's how he greets me! Well, I don't even care! I love Ryan....I think. I lean down considering I'm in heels and kiss Ryan's cheek as we walk in. "What was that for?" He asks as if annoyed.

"Uh you're my boyfriend," I say in a duh tone.

"Oh," he replied hasitly.

I sat down at the bar and looked over to see Dallas Winston giving me the evil eye. "What?" I ask angerily.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Sodapop, he got enough hurt in his life without you! So stay the hell away from him. Ya hear?" He yells.

"You know Dallas! He came to me because I stopped talking to him! I stopped talking to him because you told me it would hurt him. I didn't hurt him, you did!" I screamed in his face.

"Listen here kid, I'm not tryin' to be mean, I'm just tryin' to protect Sodapop. He seems tough but, he ain't. Please just let him be, he'll get over you," Dally replies softer. I nod as I chug down beer after beer before I know it I'm hammered and still sitting next to Dally. He looks over to me and gives me a stange look, "you okay kid?"

I look over to him and everything I've been holding it floods out of me, "no! Nothing is okay. The guy I'm datig we don't love each other, we barly like each other. I miss Sodapop so much, he was the only one who made me feel okay, he made me smile. When I was with him everything was okay but, now that he's not everything's  wrong! I miss my twin, Kendall! Why did she have to die on me? Soda deserves a better friend, he deserves somebody great but, I don't! I deserve scum! I was so popular in eighth grade, but none of them were really my friend. They all gossiped about me and told my secrets. I wasn't friends with them the year after and they made my life a living hell! I hate them and I hate people. I have this wall up that even I the builder doesn't know how to tear it down or it 's weak spots. I shut everybody out! Why am I even here?" I sob more and more with every word. "I gotta go do something real quick." I cry as I see Ryan kissing another girl.

"Kid, no! Stay with me," he commands but, it too late I'm already behind Ryan.

"How could you do this to me?" I cry. "You know what Ryan? I never loved you and you never loved me. So why do I care? Oh yea because you're my boyfriend....excuse me, ex-boyfriend!"

"Are breaking up with me, Dyl?" He asks me.

"Yes, I am now goodbye," I reply as I walk back over to Dally still sobbing, "can't anybody see how broken I am? God! I am shattered to pieces and I don't know how to fix myself. I can't! It's to much work for one girl. I need help but, I am nobody! I am nothing! What am I gonna do now with my life? Where do you even go when you have nothing? When you are nothing? I can't take it anymore! I lost everything! I'm so gone and I have nowhere to go where I feel happy or safe! I did but, then Soda had to kiss me and ruin everything! He was the only thing I had. The only shrivel of happiness there was and now he's gone! Like everything in my fucked up life! He's fucking gone! I've lost Dallas. I've lost. Are you happy?"

"Come with me, I know a place you can stay," Dally replied softly as he scoops me up. I snuggle into his chest sobbing. I've never seen this side of Dally, this side of Dallas Winston was sweet, loving, caring and pure. Soon enough I was placed on a couch and Dally whispers, "night kid, everything will be alright. Just get some rest and sober up kid."

I look at him and nod as I whisper, "Dally."

"Yea," he smiles softly looking at me.

"You're not as bad as everybody says you are," I reply as I close my eyes.

"Thanks kid. You're not that bad either," I hear him reply. I smile before falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up late the next day by a crying Sodapop barging through the door. I keep my eyes close not wanting to wake up but, listening to the conversation between Soda and other people I can't recognize.

"Soda, what's wrong?" 

"Sandy, sh-she broke up with me. I don't know what happened. She told me she was pregnant but, I was still willing to marry her but she told me no. I loved her," he sobs. 

"Shh it's okay little buddy. Dylan's here if it makes you feel any better."

"Dylan!" He replied his voice instantly perking up.

"On the couch, she's been asleep all day so don't feel bad waking her."

"Dylan. Dylan. Wake up Dyl," I hear Soda whisper as he shakes me slightly.

"Hello Soda," I reply groggily as I stretch.

"Hey Dyl," he smiles as he bites his lip slightly.

"We should talk," I say as I stand up thanking Darry for letting me stay the night.

"Agreed," he sighs as he grabs my hand leading me out the door. "So, I'm gonna be really blunt....What's our status?"

"Friends?" I state more as I question.

"Best friends?" He asks.

I smile, I can't believe he still wants to be friends let alone best friends, "defiantly. Who did Sandy sleep with?"

"This Ryan guy who just got dumped," he shrugs.

"Whoops," I squeak.

"That was you!" He laughs.

"I guess we're both single," I smile looking down.

"I guess we are," he smiles back. "Hop on." He bends down and I jump on his back. This is perfect


Yay! They made up.

Greasy Love Part One (Outsiders Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now