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Chapter 3: The Receipt

A/N: Like I said before, I am extremely grateful that you all have taken the time and interest (up to the point in making videos) and I'd like to appreciate everyone's collaboration here that unites us as a fanbase(: I hope to continue to write not only as a means of escapism and entertainment, but out of love for writing and the characters we adore. Thank you to those who have commented and made videos. This chapter is dedicated to you all.

-yes I am writing another chapter in the same day even thought it's like 3am lol. Sleep well guys. (I'll change the header image of this story sometime net week btw)


"So what was it that made you come late?" asked your roommate.

Your cheek bones tightened.
"Hm? Oh nothing. I was just out exercising, that's all."

"At 10pm?" your roommate, Ymir questioned. "There's a lot of other things you could be doing at 10pm..." she trailed off. "Like drugs. You're not doing drugs, are you?"

"Oh God no!!" You exclaimed, jumping from your bed. "You know how I feel about drugs. Hell no. "

"That's what I thought." Ymir crossed her arms in satisfaction. She reached for a pen not too far from her bed.
"So why were you acting all weird when you got here last night then?"

 "...A boy walked me here."

"A boy? Which boy? And since when do you go out with guys? I thought dating wasn't in your plan."

That's when it hit you.

You were so stupid that you never got his name.

Not even a contact number.

"I...didn't get his name," you confessed lamely. "We talked for a bit and it just never came to me to ask him for his name."

Ymir leaned into her bed before slapping her palm to her forehead.
"You really are something, aren't ya? The first guy who seems to show interest in you and you don't even ask for his name? What were you thinking ?"

You shrugged.

"What makes you think he's interested in me?"

"Honey,"  Ymir says, losing patience. "No guy nowadays walks a girl to her dorm without wanting a kiss, or a hookup."

"Scared you? Honey," he unknowingly said before putting a hand over his heart.

"I came from the changing room the minute I heard you..."

"Well he didn't seem to want that by the way we ended things." you said simply.

"What do you mean?"

"Right." you said as your dorm room door was less than a reach away.

"Well...I'll see you later." he said before he put his hand out to give you a fist bump.

"Don't hit me too hard," he says before you could reach his fist.

"I still need to lock doors. Especially if I have an angry girl in the backroom waiting for me to walk home to."

You scoffed in disbelief.

"What? I'm serious. You never know. What if I have to beat someone up if I ever have to walk you home again? But oh wait, I won't be able to. You know why? Because you hit me too hard and I'll lose. And then I'll have to look back to today and wonder where I went wrong in life."

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now