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A/N: IM REALLY REALLY SORRRY for this late chapter. I just started school, work, and I spent lots of my time saving up for a car (proud to say I bought a bad boy *insert the lip bite emoji*). I wanted to thank you all for your comments and unconditional support. It's amazing. Truly. Thank you.

Warning- this chapter WILL be soft. I'll leave the chapter title to your imagination. Enjoy!!! ;)

btw this chapter is UNEDITED.

Chapter 18: The Jacuzzi

It was sometime past 6 when you opened your eyes; your body was still under a sleepy haze begging you to sleep some more while your blanket lay on your waist. For a short second you could identify what room you were in. Your tired body could only think of two things. 1-The fire had died down as dawn was now breaking, the room's color resembled the blue filter from Twilight. And 2- Jean's arm was securely wrapped around your waist. It was comfortable, you thought, and you wanted to bask in that atmosphere even more. His face was merely inches away from the back of your neck while a mixture of coolness and warmth was exchanged between your body and his. So you fell back asleep.

When you woke up, you guessed no more than 2.5 hours had gone by. The blanket that was previously on your waist was now pulled up to your shoulder. You took a double take as you noticed something was missing: Jean's arms.

You huff, slightly annoyed that they weren't there anymore, and so you pushed the covers off of your body before standing up; making a quick stop to the restroom before walking out.

"G'morning gorgeous," It was Jean who offered a warm smile from the kitchen. His grey sweatpants and white shirt are still on from last night. He stood over the stove as he cooked something.

"Good morning," Rubbing your eyes, you can't help but to yawn as you make your way over, "Are you making...?"

He hums to your question in confirmation. "Yup. Scrambled. I made some waffles for us- well, not outta scratch, we bought frozen waffles- but you get the point," His short discourse made you hold a giggle back, "So waffles, eggs, and the bacon is still in the oven, and I cut up some fruit too." He points to the bowl of fruit on the counter. A wide variety of fruits such as cantaloupe, strawberry, and banana were cut up. "Why didn't you wake me up?" you ask, "I could've helped."

Jean shrugs. "You looked like you needed sleep. I actually slept well so I woke up early and made us this-" motioning to the food, you frown. "Yeah but you did it alone."

"I don't mind." He smiles. "So long as I have you to join me, I don't mind."

His words leave you silent as all you can do is offer a polite smile. When he's finished with his eggs, Jean asks if you can take the bacon out; you do. It was moments like these when you thought that maybe the two of you did make a good team. Cooking with him felt more enjoyable than ever, and it was also less laborious. You guessed that's what happens when you evenly split the work between two.

"Yuo know, I actually haven't heard you speak much about your parents," Jeans words make you stop as the two of you are now seated at the table, "Can you tell me about them? Only if you're comfortable. Sorry. It's early and maybe you don't-"

"It's fine," You nod, "I already told you about my stepdad and about the money. There's not much I can say about him that's positive."

"And your mom?"

"We get along. We have our good days and our bad days. She tries, which is something I have to appreciate."

"What is she like?" Jean leans in. You don't notice he sets his fork down to listen.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now