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A/N: As far as this chapter goes, I want to state that I do NOT condone or support drunk driving. Please, if you can, Uber, find a friend, just don't drive. I assume you guys are old enough to know that so please read this with some consideration. Thank you. 

Now, back to the story, sorry for the late(ish) update. School has been a bit hectic; I've got two presentations due in two weeks, two exams this week, one quiz, and 2 meetings. Plus, work, so thank you for your patience. 

Please let me know your thoughts along this chapter <3

A/N: We're taking a trip down memory lane. Buckle up kiddos.


Chapter 26: Messy Beginnings 

October 23rd, 2018.

It was a cold Friday night when Jean walked inside the crowded house party. It was his second house party since the start of the term. Students from Shiganshina attended the 3rd largest party of the month. And Jean was lucky enough to pull an invite after he helped tuned a guy's guitar for free.

"Yo man! What's your major?"

"Business Administration." Jean responds once the same guy approaches him. The two of them indulged in minimal conversation; mostly about school, what they wanted to accomplish, and if they were thinking about hooking up with some random girl.

"Don't really know." Jean shrugged when the boy wearing a beanie asked. He had helped the guy with his guitar a week prior, and had now learned that he was a Sagittarius, an econ major, and a dealer. When he stared at the door frame at the end of the hall, he noticed a familiar face walk through, giggling at something the girl behind her had said. The black haired girl sways her hand as if to keep quiet and Jean can't help but smile.

"She's cute," the guy beside him comments. After a few seconds, the girl notices the eyes were on her and she smiles again, making her way towards Jean.

She asks him if he arrived alone, he says yes, and he asks her the same. She tells him she carpooled with friends and that she didn't really know many people at this party (neither did Jean), and so the two of them sidetracked.

It was an enjoyable conversation. They talked about their shared classes, mildly went through some class rumors, talked about their careers, and even discussed their home lives once the drinks had settled in. Jean was already on his fourth drink while Pieck was still on her second. Of course, vodka cocktails hold more alcohol than sweetened white claws would. They moved to sit on some lawn chairs by the pool. Sitting so close to one another, the two of them had forgotten how cold the air was.

From a distance, Pieck noticed a group of girls laughing from a jacuzzi.

"They look like they're having fun." Turning to Jean, Pieck points an accusive bottle his way, "And you haven't found a girlfriend."

Jean laughs. "I don't know if I need one." he confesses, "I spent most of my summer reflecting, growing, and working on myself. I think I might need some time, but..." he slows down as he makes eye contact with Pieck, "I appreciate your concern, Pieck. Thank you. No one has really cared for me like you."

She blushes.

"And what of you?" he asks, "No boyfriend? Come on, you're a gorgeous girl majoring in Child Development. You're practically beautiful in all that you do, so how come I haven't heard of any guy? What's he waiting for, huh?"

She shrugs, "Which girl wouldn't want a boyfriend?" she chuckles, "Now that I'm in College, I'm instantly in the dating market. You'd think that my age and my looks make me qualified, but as you may know, lots of guys aren't looking for relationships."

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now