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A/N: HEYYY Y'ALLS I've got another chapter update on (my) finals week! These past 2-3 weeks have been CRAZY (probably due to Mercury Retrograde). And as a result, my -love- life has taken a weird turn.

(Insert random love rant that you don't need to read but can if you want to gossip with me). If you're into astrology and that sort of thing- he's a February Pisces while I am a July Cancer aha. (My big three are cancer sun, Taurus moon, and Scorpio rising- but my Venus is in Gemini DAMNIT).
Anyways,,,, generational trauma has lead me to not 'fully' catch feelings, but I like him enough to think about a relationship. He's hinted similar sentiments but he's on week two of a rigorous STEM course so our convos are shorter bc he spends 7+ hours on studying. So now, I bring you an update lol. I still have books as a high priority. And he doesn't know that I write (lol).

Also- art credit to the amazing -artworkbyzuli

Enough ranting but here is this chapter! Thank you so much for your endearing comments and constant support. I love you guys! (feels a bit weird saying this sentiment online to total strangers but hey! Just know that I appreciate every comment and vote this book gets.). So thank you.

Chapter 14: The Message

The last thing you felt before falling asleep was the sensation of his lips on yours. It was a tired kiss. Simple, sweet, and soft.

Just like Jean's voice.

While you kissed, it was safe to place your hand against his chest while your left hand lay between his sternum and chest. To the right of his heart, and yet, you could feel his breathing. Little details in such little time.

When you woke up,  much to your disappointment, Jean was no longer where you last saw him. Where he last stayed the night over. However, you noticed a new blanket draped over you. It was cold for a spring morning, and you were grateful that if it weren't for the blanket, then you would have probably caught a cold over night.

Jean probably placed that blanket, you thought as you moved your body to face the bed stand.


Next to the alarm, you noticed three new items. A coffee cup, a bag, and a note. You reached for the note.

Sorry that I left without saying goodbye. I made sure to get you something to make up for it. They didn't have many coffee options at the gas station, so the best I could do was get you Hot Chocolate. Hope you don't mind.

Also, I made sure to stack up on some donut bites from O'Henry's.

Thank you for last night. It really meant a lot.

-Jean xx.

You gasped for air as you pressed the letter against your chest. Was this really happening? Or were you dreaming?

You had just slept with a boy.

In the same bed.

Not to mention he brought you breakfast for crying out loud.

And the donut bites looked delicious.


Today was your final shift at the office before spring break started. You didn't have much planned except for watching that one horror movie at the theaters, but other than that your week was clean off of plans.

Your only concern for the day was stumbling into Eren.

"Hey, so did you really get rid of all those roses?" asked Hange, your (supervisor) co-working friend.

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