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A/N: Another update! I have FINALLY written chapter 19. I ended up revising this version twice or thrice, because I wanted to get it right. So it feels right enough to post. Thank you all very much for your undying support. For accompanying me during these last few months. You guys are still here. And I appreciate your time invested in this story. Truly. 

I got a few questions (via DM) on my experience with this book and how I even made it. I don't think I have ever revealed it, but I just might (perhaps towards the end of this chapter). As we head on to chapter 19, I forecast that this book will have under 10 chapters left. And this book will be marked completed before Christmas (yes I'm giving myself a deadline). The ending for this book has already been planned long ago and I can't promise I won't pull an Isayama (rip). 

Here is chapter 19. Please let me know how it goes. 


Chapter 19: Accept It 

"How long do you think it's been since anyone has lived here?"

It had been minutes since you had entered the jacuzzi with Jean. The two of you sat on opposite ends. You were fortunate to have found a one piece bathing suit that covered your body appropriately. And exactly your size. The black one piece reminded you of something a middle aged mom would wear; or something a girl from the 1940's would wear. Jean, on the other hand, found a simple black bathing suit trunk. He opted for not wearing a shirt, much to your concern.

"I swear," you told him as he walked outside, "You're going to catch a cold."

"Relax," he smiled, "I've seen plenty of guys wear trunks in the snow while staying in a jacuzzi. I think I'll be fine,"

"Dunno," you shrug, the memory still fresh in your thoughts, "I think it's been more than a year. How about you?"

"I'd say two." Jean leans against the other side of the jacuzzi, resting his head on his palm. "I mean, have you checked the pantry? I found some graham crackers that were nearly 2 years overdue. So it has to be at least two."

"Fair enough," you shrug, changing the subject, "How did your finals go?" Jean leans forward, raising a questionable brow.

"I thought we were here to relax. Yet, you're out here thinking about school?" He's amused by the idea, "If I'm being honest- I wasn't even thinking about school ever since we left campus." He paused. A quick look of concern flashed over his eyes, "Has something happened?"

"No, no," you quickly shook your head, "You're right. Forget I ever mentioned it. Anyways- you never really told me you did skiing," you're quick to switch the conversation around, "Tell me, what other things is Jean Kirstein talented at?"

He sends you a boyish smile that you can't help but find contagious, "What is it?" you ask. Something between your eyes and his pass. Maybe it's an unknown message you couldn't capture, but Jean simply shrugs. "Nothing," he smiles, "I was just thinking how pretty your eyes look when you smile."


The jacuzzi session lasted no more than an hour and a half. When you walked out the tub, Jean was polite enough to help you down; respectful with his gaze. Your heart nearly squeezed itself as you remembered you were wearing a top that showed some cleavage. The most Jean (or anyone) has seen you wear.

"You can shower first," he said as he draped a towel over his shoulders.

"You can't be serious." you shake your head, signaling to his clothes, "You're literally wearing trunks, Jean. Go take a warm shower. I'll stay in the room and heat up the fireplace or something." Hesitantly, he shrugs in acceptance.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now