8 (Part 2)

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Chapter 8 Part 2: Just Do It 

A/N: WOW. This chapter is it. You guys will hate/love it and I hope I get the right reaction I was hoping to aim for. 

Here are the songs used for todays chapter: (SONG ABOVE WILL BE USED FOR THE SMUT). It's the "Talking to the Moon X Fantasy TikTok Mashup). 

I was meant to update part 2 on the weekend, but then so much happened. My mom's friend was in the Hospital for COVID (they're okay now!) and she was emotionally unavailable to care for the household so when she can't do things, I have to step up. Apart from that, my brother needed help on a History presentation (guess who did Achilles?). BTW: He got an A+ (his sister is a history major btw :). Also, I took Monday off to take my mom on a shopping spree and bought her two sets of perfumes. A day later and my nose is still numb :D 

I was dying to say this but can you guys give me fanfic recs for a few characters? I'll leave some so that you can comment and others can find. 


Sukana- Jujutsu Kaisen

Anything else :)

Apart from that, I am VERY happy at how this chapter has turned out. I will give you all a SMUT warning. 

Yeah, you heard it. 


I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did and also- HOLY SHIT OVER 100 COMMENTS FOR THE LAST CHAPTER??? IM FREAKING OUT I LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMENTING I LITERALLY CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH, Comments mean the world to me. So this chapter is dedicated to the ones who comment, and the ones who have let their friends know about this book. It's not perfect, but I appreciate the support. Anyways, here is part 2!! 

Chapter 8 Part 2: 

When you walked around the house, the smell of smoke faintly stung your nostrils. It was the kind of smell that invaded your senses before it climbed up your nostrils and filled your sinuses in and out with the smell others found unpleasant. You moved your feet to the beat of your heart feeling as if your legs were leading you instead of your mind.

The second thing that guided was you dragging your fingertips against the walls. A part of you felt free while you did so. The painted wall's surface, pleased your fingertips.

You were about to enter one of the rooms when you noticed one of the paintings was the picture of two swallows huddled next to each other. The bird's blue shiny feathers were hard to miss. You faintly smiled.

Ha, symbolism. You thought.

In the room, a few feet away from you stood a couch. The kind of couches you would expect to see in Rom Coms that could easily fit 5 people. On one side, towards the edge, sat a boy with his phone in his hands.

Your brain told you to sit when you noticed that the other side was vacant. Perfect for rest. There were few people in this room, so who could possibly care?

Boldly walking to the couch, you jumped yourself on the couch- stretching before releasing a mild yawn. You scratched your itchy forearm.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now