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A/N: Haha. This is really it. Y'all's can blame this chapter after what happened to Betty White. Enjoy 2022  

Chapter 21: The Wall Breaks

For the most part during that first weekend, Pieck Finger checked her socials, almost restless to find an answer, "They posted Eren's car online." she spoke. 

In the comfort of her own dorm. Hitch, Pieck, and (unwelcomingly) Floch sat.

Floch was seated on the furthest desk. Away from them.

Hitch watches her friend, "So has Connie said anything about Jean?"

"No." She shook her head, "I asked Marco, and he said Jean was going on a camping trip. Good for him."

"And what about Eren?" Her green eyed friend asked, "He looked like he was interested in the girl during one of his songs." Pieck watched Floch butt in.

"It's true. Even Oikawa was there."

"Then why the hell does she have so many boys up her sleeve? I bet she's really playing Jean. Just like Mikasa, he's getting played again." Pieck shook her head, "Jean's been through enough already. And I can't let him go through another heartbreak, not when I'm-" Pieck slowed her words, as an epiphany entered her mind.

"Who has Eren's number?" Pieck nearly spat. "Yeager's. Who has his number?"

Floch slowly raised his hand, "I do. But why the hell would you need it?" Pieck and Hitch shared the same look, shortly before Pieck gave Floch a dirty look.

"You really are stupid, aren't you?" she asked, "Me and Eren are interested in the opposite people. I want Jean, and Eren wants the girl. It's literally an equal, beneficial share."

"You're treating them as if they were objects..."

"Shut the fuck up, Floch." spat Pieck, truly out of character, "Since when do you have morals, huh? You got a girl's drink spiked." Floch furiously shook his head, pointing at her.

"Nu-uh, YOU literally CONVINCED me to do it. It was all your idea Pieck, don't act like you didn't do shit. In fact, you should be thanking me."

"Thanking you?" Pieck nearly laughed, "Why the fuck should I thank you?"

"Because I got her drunk, AND I didn't report your ass. Can you imagine how fucked up your major and career would be if someone found out?" Knowing he had scored a point, Floch grinned proudly.

Watching them from afar, Hitch sighed.

"Look," she said as the mediator, "I don't know what you plan on doing with Eren, just be careful. And Floch is right- if anyone knew it was you, then your career could have possibly ended before you even started." Pieck watched her friend with wide eyes, "So what are you going to do?"

"There's a party tomorrow, hosted by Eren. I'll tell him what we both want, and we'll separate Jean and the girl. All we gotta do is make sure they attend." she grinned, focusing on Hitch, "And you are going to invite her over."

"And what about Jean?"

"Oh I'll take care of him." she smiled, "In fact," she jumped from her bed. "I'll reach him right now. You go contact the girl." Pieck suggested, "Spend time with her. And make sure she barely looks at her phone."

With an indifferent look, Hitch watched Pieck leave without another word. She turned to look at Floch when the door closed; who could only watch confused, "What the hell is going on with her?" he asked, "And why is she so far up Jean's ass?

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now