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Chapter 6: The Field Trip


AND HATE ME, enjoy!
P.s this was such a BIG chapter I just COULDN'T cut.

It was a membership notification.

A last minute, 2 free seat offer at the city baseball stadium. Best yet, it was an event that happened to be sold out. Usually, on these occasions he'd go with Marco or Connie, but ever since the year started, his friends started to go out with him less and less.
Responsibilities change people.

"Uh hey," he says, acknowledging that he was changing the subject.
"So do you remember when we agreed that we had to work on your baseball skills?" he asks,
"Have you ever gone to a game?"

You shake your head no. He grins.

"Well today's your lucky day- are you free this evening? I'd like to take you to this baseball game that starts at 6." Noticing the look on your face that expressed slight hesitance, he tells you that the game was free, and that going to a game might actually help your skills and performance in understanding the game.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be there with you to explain anything you might have a question on. Think of it as an interactive yet 'watching from afar' sort of experience." Ultimately, you found yourself agreeing to his proposition.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 5 then." Jean turned around to the Guitar stands that faced you.
"How about we actually look into some Guitars? I think there's one that you might like."


When the evening came, you dressed yourself up in blue navy jeans and a casual top. You wondered, How many stairs did a stadium have anyways?

A quick google search that didn't answer the question, suggested how many seats a stadium had. On an average it ranged from 33,000-56,000.

Sounds pretty big.

You were currently in the lounge area of your dorm floor. A couple of chairs and couches were spread out for students to enjoy and a few vending machines stood by the door. Perfect. 

"C4 and D3," you mumbled under your breath, pressing the buttons of the vending machine. Peanut M&Ms and a pack of mint gum were now in your hands. You smiled in content before heading back to your dorm.


"I don't like sitting outside of college dorm rooms," Jean explains. "By the hall."

You stepped over his long legs, muttering a small 'excuse me'.
"How'd you even get inside?" you ask, unlocking your door. "These dorms have number locks in them."

He shrugged, "My friend's ex-girlfriend lived in this dorm building last year. He gave me the number when he needed me to drop something off for him. A year later, I guess they never bothered to change the number."
You unlock your door. 

Jean quickly stands up, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me get my purse," you tell him.
"Stay here."

He frowns, "Like I said," he plops down to his previous position.
"College dorm rooms,"

Once you're back outside, you walk in on Jean (now fully on his two feet) conversing with a dark haired girl. The girl with whom you were unfamiliar with held long dark hair that reached by her elbows and messy curtain bangs that decorated her face. You spent a minute trying to figure out what her aesthetic was.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now