8 (Part 1)

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Chapter 8 Part 1: The Breakdown 

A/N: Because this chapter was so long (kinda still is imo) I have decided to split this chapter in two. Bring your tissues and boxing gloves with you because this will be a different chapter from what you're used to. And you'll see characters in a new light. lol if you paid attention in the book, then I'm sure foreshadowing won't be an issue. 

Also, I write this while I am at work (I work online and sometimes I have free time to write or do my homework). I wanted to write this up and send this off as I work for part 2 that will be hopefully up by Saturday night. 

I wrote a Levi one-shot last night that I actually kinda like. I do feel though that I have a LOT of stories on my profile and somehow IM paranoid about it??? lol. I'll probably still post it regardless. I feel like I'm shooting out content like a printing machine (not bad though! I'm just really excited :). 

Anyways, enough rambling. Here is Ch 8 Part 1. I hope you enjoy this and know that I read (and re-read your comments for motivation). They really fuel my passion for writing more than words can explain. And thank you for sharing this story with your friends. (WHICH ONE OF YOU MADE A TIKTOK OVER THIS FF?? HOLD UP lemme hold your hand rn ). 


"I have to say, I was surprised when I saw them." you said, moments before the machine launched 3 balls at you- all 5 seconds apart from one another. It was the first night of your practice with Jean and so far, according to Jean, you had already mastered pitching.

"Trust me," Jean says, moments before picking up a ball. "I was just as surprised as you were when I saw them. I didn't know Armin was the type to date in College." he shrugs. "It's great for him though, he's a really great guy! I was just taken off guard like you were."

You nodded, walking back to place your bat away. Jean tossed you a mitten. You thanked him.

"Well I trust your good judgement," you tell him. "Annie is a great girl, maybe they compliment each other."

"Like water and fire?" Jean asks before throwing a ball at you. You catch it.

"No. I was thinking more like water and air." You throw the ball.

"Well, whatever the case may be," Jean catches the ball. "They looked very happy to me."

"Same here," you tell him, Jean walks back a bit before warning you. He throws the ball a bit harder. You catch it. "I think that's important. Happy relationships."

"That includes friendships too, yes?" He asks, raising his voice before catching the ball. He throws it back.

"It does!" you catch it. "I just think happiness and mutual comprehension between people is important, I mean, how else is a relationship supposed to last?" Jean agrees with your comment.

"Have you been in a relationship during College?"

"Not really. I've just been busy with other things to get into 'that' dating pool. How about you?" you asked.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now