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Chapter 9: Bitch Better Have My Money 

A/N: I'm really sorry for the delay. I meant to upload this before but I ended up re-writing this chapter thrice. (actually, 4 times now).  Also, college is starting to get busy. I'm not sure how busy this summer will get, but I'll still upload and update. (I plan to have this story done by the fall -hopefully-). 

Get ready for this chapter. if you've read the title of this chapter then get your boxing gloves 'cuz we goin' out tonight. 

Also bring some tissues. 

And maybe a mint. (lol). 

It's 2:37am and I hope that this update makes up for the 10+ day break. I appreciate every single one of you and always come back to read your comments. You guys are the ones who motivate me. Thank you. 


"Where the hell have you been?" His words echoed at the back of your mind and you were sure you had to repeat it a few times because your brain just couldn't process it.

Everything about Jean's demeanor made your stomach churn. The first thing you noticed about him when you bumped into him was his unbuttoned buttons; did he do that himself?

Or did someone else do it for him?

Next was his hair. It was disheveled. When the two of you arrived, Jean made sure to fix his hair before he got out of his car. You made note that whenever you were around Jean, he always fixed his hair. Even if it was a glance in the car's mirror, or in public, it became a habit of his that you were used to seeing. Jean always kept his hair in check.

Or did someone else do it for him?

His eyes were the last thing you noticed- they were warm. Not in a loving way, but in a 'its packed' sort of way. It didn't look like he was under the influence either. But something about his eyes held something you wanted to know.

Did he see something?

Or someone?

"I said, where the hell were you (y/n)?" Jean was irritated by your lack of response. His eyebrows furrowed, crashing into one another as his eyes stared into you, looking for some sort of response.

"I was out," you blurt out.

"Where were you?" you ask before he could ask you any further.

"That doesn't matter." he exhales as he stops in his train of thought. A thought had flashed his eyes.

"Wait a second..." A fraction of a frown crossed his lips before he leaned into you- he was trying to smell you.

"Have you...been drinking?"

"No." you answered immediately, already regretting your words.

"I mean, yes. Only a little."

"Where did you get alcohol from?" Frustration crept up on him and he was trying to keep it at bay. But it was easy for you to see past it.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now