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A/n: NEALRY A MONTH LATER. I'm  really sorry for the delay. This fall will be very busy to me (college transfer apps, and work). Not to mention school. I hope that my updates will come twice a month. Depending on my creativity. What I am publishing a lot these days is my Eren (Peter Pan Modern AU) story. I'm legit writing like a machine when it comes to that and if you want more content from me, (it IS an Eren x Reader x Jean) fic, so I think you might like it. It's called "EAST OF EDEN" (on my profile). I suggest giving it a go as I'm updating :) 

Regarding this chapter, it's all wholesome. All good, domestic vibe-y shit that's too secure to handle. This chapter makes me want to have a s/o and move into a cabin in Tahoe (ngl). I hope you enjoy this one, and thank you for your constant comments!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU @ certain readers (you know who you are :). 

Anyways, enjoy this chapter!! 


Chapter 17: The Cabin in the Woods

"Is that all you're bringing?" Questioned Jean as he carried your small suitcase to his car. You nodded, following behind. "Yup. That's pretty much it. You said we were going to Tahoe right?" 

"Damn you're gonna make me feel guilty; my suitcase is way bigger than yours. Do you need extra space? Cuz if so, I have a spare suit-"

"-I'm fine, Jean."

"Alright alright. Just making sure." The morning after Jean's drunkenness happened faster than the speed of light. You gave him a painkiller, and you explained the events of last night to some degree; leaving his confession out.

He was hesitant about the subject at the beginning, but when you mentioned you wanted to go, there wasn't much he could do but accept. Unbeknownst to your knowledge, Jean was relieved. He wanted you to come, and he guessed that he somewhat asked you while drunk. Jean couldn't remember his words, or most of the events from last night, but he was glad you could go with him.

That morning, he used some of the money Falco's dad gave him to rent out a truck. It was Tahoe, and he knew he needed a 4x4 vehicle if he was driving up the mountains. He did so while he dropped you off at your dorm to pack. Less than two hours later, you were preparing to leave.

" 'Kay. I packed some materials we might need, and we have an address- think you could give directions while I drive?" you nodded. Jean grinned. "Perfect. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Making your way to your passenger's seat, Jean opened the door for you. He smiled from ear to ear.

And you rolled your eyes (playfully) biting back a smile. The air between the two of you felt smoother, in a way you could not explain. It was comfortable, relaxing perhaps. And all you wanted to do was head to your vacation destination.

Navigating Highways with Jean was easier than expected. You feared for a moment where the two of you would clash together like your parents normally did, but it never happened. And what bewildered you more was that the AUX chord was equally split. You found out through this trip that you and Jean shared almost identical music preferences. And you even shared an anecdote here or two.

"Did you have a favorite food your mother used to make?"

"Oh yeah, totally. She'd make these amazing omelettes with cheese, and other things I'm embarrassed to say, but they were truly my favorites. Hey- didn't you say you were thinking about joining the medical field?"

"Uh...yeah, why?"

"How's that like? The process. It seems interesting. And if I remember correctly, you wanted to join Medical Assistant school, correct?" Conversations with Jean flowed. It was like you were a fish while he was the river; you swam with the flow, or other times it was vice versa/ Thing was, you never expected to click so well with someone. The trip had gone by so fast that you were surprised to know you had no more than an hour left.

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