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Chapter 4: The Settlement 

A/N: I would like to personally thank Taylor Swift's "Love Story" (new version) for inspiring. Also, please make sure to listen to Alain Barriere's "Elle etait si jolie" whenever you can because it's meant to set the mood for a scene here. Please let me know what you think. You guys have no idea how much a comment makes a difference :) Happy Valentine's Day! (Yes this ch revolves around today!!).


"That's really tough." lamented Annie before throwing a Tennis ball at a wall. "Did she apologize? What about your step-dad?"

"You know he doesn't support me, he threatened to kick me out when I was in my Senior year of high school, remember?" sighing, you looked out towards the field where a group of freshmen athletes hung out, moments after finishing their baseball session.


Your stomach churned.

"He spent the scholarship money I had planned to attend Medical Assistant school with, but I didn't have the money for the Tuition. Not only that, but all my savings for University here have gone down the drain. I should have seen it coming." You shook your head before changing the subject.
"Thank you again for letting me use the keys."

"Anytime," she curls her lips into a fraction of a smile before skillfully reflecting the ball that was about to hit the floor. "I heard the Gym is getting new gloves by the 18th, so that's probably why you couldn't find any." she explains before walking towards you. "You used a bat, didn't you?"

"I did. You know how much I hate baseball."

"Right. Because it reminds you of your dad."

"I can tolerate sports, just not baseball." pausing, you take out your phone before shortly playing with it between your thumb and index. "What about you?" you ask redirecting the subject, "Valentine's Day is today, have you got any plans?"

"You know I don't do dates...really, but, there's this guy that's been persistent that offered to take me out on a date at this place called Guiliani's."

"That sounds expensive."

Annie nods.
"I know. I already looked at the menu online. It's this high end place that apparently takes like forever to reserve."

"Wow, what's his name? And do you have an idea of what you'll wear?" you ask.

"His name is Furlan." Annie pauses, "And Petra helped me choose a dress- here." your friend dropped what she was doing before pulling up an image on her phone of a dark green velvety dress with a V-cut.

"Wow...that's really pretty. You'll look like Winona Ryder from the 90's."

Annie smiles, an uncommon sight for most people. "That's what I was going for, something that reminds me of the 90's. You know how much I love that stuff."

You nod, "I know. I love it because this dress totally fits your personality. It's classy without the bling, you know?" Looking away from her device, you turn to face her. "What time is he picking you up?"

"Oh, he's not picking me up. He wanted to meet up at 7:45pm."

You nod, briefly apprehensively.
"Okay, well...just stay safe out there, okay? Text me or call me if something happens."

Annie picks up her bag before walking out the court with you shortly before rolling her eyes, "It's just a date, geez. It's not like the guy is going to kidnap me. If that were the case, then he was clearly stupid in picking one of Shinganshina's best personal trainers. It won't be too bad."

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now