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Chapter 10: Report

A/N: BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE LATE ASS NIGHT UPDATES. I was 50-50 on whether I should update or not because this chapter is like 2.3k words. I decided to cut it at this because it does have special details and hints and so will the next chapter (that will probably be of similar length as this one). Enjoy! ALSO THANK YOU SO SO SO SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COMMENTS *MUAH* ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT SPAM?? lmaoo you guys really make my day<3

Here's an early update:)

"Yesterday was a disaster." Hitch exasperates before laying on her bed with both palms pressed against her stomach. She had a habit of waking up early on Saturday's.

A habit Pieck was not fond of.

"It was," she agreed.

"She even barked at you, Pieck. No one's ever done that to you."

"I know."

"And she even called you out. Worse, she left with Jean."

"I know," Pieck nods, annoyed.

"Do you think she stayed over at his place? When we got here, we saw no one enter her room. Or leave."

"I don't know, Hitch." Pieck tried not to hiss. "It's really hard to tell after what happened. Jean might either like me, or hate me after last night's events."

"So what will you do now that it's a Saturday morning then?"

The fabric of her pink salmon leggings slipped from her thumb and index finger as she rubbed them to ease her thoughts. She froze.

It was Saturday morning.

That's it.

Saturday morning.

"I need you to do something for me," Pieck said as she jumped out of her bed. She turned to her room mate.

"Do you still have that old Ukulele of yours?"


After the mess of what consisted of last night, Jean looked forward to his routine session with Falco. Which sadly was their last class together. Earlier last week, Falco's mom had told him that she'd drop him off, and Mr. Grice would pick him up. It was Falco's last session before spring break and he looked forward to (possibly) telling Falco about you.

Was he really going to a 12 year old for advice? He did not know.

"Oh there you are!" Beamed Falco's mother. "I have so much to thank you for. You're an absolute angel. We had my mother fly in from Georgia this week, and Falco surprised her with one song you taught him; oh what was it? Oh yes! Moon River," She smiled graciously as Falco was at the restroom.

"My Mother said that she has never heard such poise and nimble guitar playing. She said she was blessed to live this long to see her grandson play; especially a song no one seems to teach now-a-days, and we're extremely grateful. We've never come across a young man with such maturity and taste until we met you," Diana paused as she reached into her purse.

Jean's eyes widened.

"Oh no! You don't need to pay-"

"-It's not money, silly." Diana smiled as she held out a sheet of paper with some keys.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now