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A/N: So, I see you're still here. 

Enjoy the chapter. No words needed. 

Chapter 24: Body Language

Connie Springer didn't know it, but he had an unsettling feeling in his stomach when he waved you hello before class.

It was another continuing lecture of Mr. Moblit's that when he turned to you and waved, you only waved back. Not even giving him a fraction of a smile.

Now, while he is not an overthinker by any chance, he tried to come with ideas like, oh she's just tired, or -oh maybe it's the 9:30am class kicking her ass, or some typical reason college students look expressionless.

He didn't even notice Sasha sit next to him as he watched you. By the time he caught on that he was daydreaming (yet again), Moblit called on him.

"Springer," the brown haired man with glasses called, "You're awfully quiet for the first time. What's wrong, back to classes?"

He chuckled, "Oh come on Mr.Moblit, you know I'm always your favorite student. It's not that I'm quiet, I'm just letting you start off our new week with your inspiration board." motioning to the board that Moblit had a habit of writing inspirational quotes, he smiled.

While Connie did somehow finesse his way out, he did half heartedly mean what he said. A few students nodded, while you simply stared at the board. Blankly playing with the pencil between your hands.

"Oh, well... that's surprising to hear. Anyways, like I was saying in class, when we fall in love, we tend to idolize the person we are in love with. A good friend of mine always said..." and he went back to his daydream.

Speaking on the subject of love, Connie wondered if Sasha really did love her iced caramel macchiato or was in love with the idea of it (for the aesthetics). It was her go-to order in coffee shops, but he couldn't help but wonder if she only chose macchiatos because they were her 'safe' choice.

Did people usually do that? Go for the safest options? He knew people had safety net schools when applying to school, and as a kid he knew he would order chicken tenders at a restaurant if he wasn't sure what to get (he still does).

But Connie wondered if it was just human nature to pick the safest options.

Will people ever grow from their safety options? Obsess? Maybe even fall deeper in love with them until it becomes a part of them? He really didn't have an answer to his 9:30 am shenanigans.

"(Y/N)," Mr. Moblit calls on you, earning his attention, "Care to share what you did over the break? How about you add a little bit about what you think about love."

Attentively, moving from his slouched position, Connie straightened his back; just a tad bit before he heard you speak.

"I went to Tahoe over the break."

"Excellent!" Moblit clapped, "With who?"

"A friend." she answered dryly. "We went skiing."

"I should go skiing this year with my wife." Moblit smiled, "Did you guys know she's won three skiing championships? She's got a medal or two in winter sports." he shook his head, showing off his wife. "Anyways, (y/n), can you give us a few words on the perception of love?"

"Yes. I think it's conditional, love, especially to a lot of us. We're 20, most of us don't want a commitment, we might think we want one, but once we find someone better, we leave that person for someone better." she shrugged. "I don't know. I think sometimes, and no offense, guys fall in love with what they see while girls fall in love with what they hear."

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