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Chapter 7: Surprised 

A/N: Chapter somewhat unedited. It's 3:33am and I'm going to bed. Please comment the HELL out of this chapter so that I can use this as an alarm when I wake up my brother for his zoom class at 8. Thank you 🖤🖤🖤

Enjoy the chapter!

You had forgotten how busy your week was.
A discussion board due on Wednesday, 2 tests on Friday, and an essay preparation for the following week. (Not to mention readings). But at the same time, you somehow found enough time to assist in school events.

"We don't have enough time...the fair starts at 9. Reiner, can you please put that barrel to the right side of the stand?"

"With pleasure."

Reiner Braun, an A category Football Athlete had offered to assist in the Spring Renaissance Fair. He picked up the barrel over his shoulder with no difficulty, placing it just where you wanted it to go.

"Thank you."

"Do you still need anything else that requires lifting?" he asked. "Cuz I could do this all day."

You laughed at his comment, resting your pen against your bottom lip. You hugged your clipboard. "I think that's about it. It's still early in the morning and I know Furlan is helping out in the stalls; they might need help if you'd like to check it out. But other than that, we're finished."

"What about Historia?" he asked, "Where's her placement?"

"She's working on the children's games." You flip to the page on your board. "Across from Ymir's apple bob game. Located on the front left sector of the ground. I know she's developed these great ducky water fishing magnet games- oh how I love those!" Reiner ignored your comment.

"You said front left sector?"

"Yeah, why?"

The Football Athlete nods. "If you need anything, I'll be there." and with that, he was gone.

There was something about festivals that you loved. It didn't necessarily mean the food, but the ambience everyone was a part of. Men, women, children, and commonfolk that would stop by, always bonded over events like these. As if these events tied their relationships into tighter connections.

"Where did you say Sasha was helping?" You asked your co-worker, Hange.

"Oh, Sasha? She's assisting Niccolo, our Italian foreign exchange student with one of the food stands. She said she was already busy." Looking over your shoulder, Hange pointed to an area. "Where's Annie?"

"She's not helping today. She did in the making- with the board cut outs and woodworking, but she asked for the day off."

Hange nodded. "Well she did a wonderful job. How's the animal station looking?"

"Uhh..." you skimmed through the pages, finding nothing. "I don't have that area. Maybe Professor Pixis has it? He's always fond of the bunnies and animal petting zoos so I think he might have them- anything animal related actually."

"Gotcha gotcha, and you'll just be checking in, right?''

"With the areas? Yeah." you nod. "My job is to go around and ask members if they need anything and report it to either Petra, Mr. Smith, or Miche."

"That's great! It's still early so why don't you take a small nap and get changed? It's almost 7 so you can go take a powernap and change into the Renaissance outfit I provided for you."

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now