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A/N: HOLY SHIT I FINISHED ONE OF MY FINALS. I just wrote a 2.2k on American waste (trash) and that's the last word I ever want to use for now lol. 

Also, I made the time to finish this chapter up! I personally LOVED it, and feel very happy with how this is going. 13 just seemed to be the lucky number in this occasion (how ironic). 

Anyways, here is chapter 13 and please let me know your feels/thoughts on this chapter!! I absolutely ADORE reading your reactions and analysis'. Thank you and let's get this show on the road! 

Chapter 13: A Break

"Well hello to you too."

When you spoke, Jean almost forgot why he was there in the first place. He was in front of you. And it was hard for him to see you without thinking of the events that happened Friday night, your fight, your stay at his place, and the way Floch's cheek felt when Jean's knuckles collide with it.

His veins by his knuckles pumped blood as if he had just punched someone. All of these thoughts happened in a split second.

"Sorry." he mutters shyly before coming back up to his normal stance. "Do you know if Ymir's here?"

"I do know," you nod. "But she's not here. She left to go stay with an aunt of hers for break." you pause.


For what appeared to be the first time, you saw Jean worried. First, his shoulders fell. Next, his eyes fixated themselves into the edge of the door you held. And third, he released an exasperated huff moments before he ran a hand through his hair.

"I needed to ask her something." he brought the book high enough for you to see. The Iliad.

"I was hoping that she could help me with this,"

Your eyebrows scrunched. "Reading?"

He faintly nods.

"But you can read, right?"

He nods. "I can."

"Then read it."

He frowns. "I can't..." he pauses, looking for the right words. He releases once again another forced sigh in contemplation.

"Ugh, it's hard for me to focus, (y/n). Reading." the words sounded so forced that you could see that he was having a tough time.

"Well...have you tried audiobooks?"

He nods.

"Not free and not enough time to do the lesson plans."

"How about the Library?"

"Already tried." he's quick to reply. "Was third on the waiting list. Have been for the past 3 weeks."

"Bummer." Jean sees a fraction of a smile play on your lips. "By when do you need to read the book?"

"Tomorrow." He says. And you hold yourself back from dropping your jaw wide open.

"So what are you gonna do now that Ymir's not home?" you ask. "Read?"

He nods. "That's what I'll try to do." he pauses as his eyes redirect themselves from you to the floor. He thinks. And regret begins to fill his mind.

"You know what? Sorry. Forget this ever happened." he says as his lips form a straight line.
"It's finals week, and you have finals. Thanks for the update on Ymir." he pauses as he begins to drift off from you. His heel now faces you.

"Also," his back -now facing you- turns slightly as he faces to see you.

"Congratulations on getting the spot. You deserve it."

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now