15 (the final part)

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A/N: Reminder: Don't ever settle for a boy. EVER. If he can't recognize your intelligence and character, what makes you think he'll be any good in a relationship? (Also- pay attention to the red flags). -Advice from a 20 year old college student (GOD IM SO OLD)

Anyways, this chapter was uploaded sooner than I hoped for but YAY the weekend. Hopefully this additional chapter helps and the next chapter won't be a chapter, but an additional scene. Again thank you sm for your comments!!! They mean the world :) 


Chapter 15 (part 3): The Long Way Home

A few minutes after the show ended, people went right back to their previous activities: some went back to their phones, others to the nearest ping pong table, and some to the nearest room to make out. However, Connie Springer and Marco Bodt were not amongst those in the crowd. No one would have suspected the comical class clown/drummer and the star vocalist to commit such a 'prank'. It was unexpected, and Eren would have never expected it.

So it was perfect.

"Alright," Connie sighed as he brought the list up to his nose to read. "So eggs...jolly ranchers...bologna...and Reiner's Yorki-Poodle." Marco raised a brow. "Why would we need Reiner's dog?" he asked. "Aren't we supposed to be vandalizing his car or something?"

"You really don't get it, do you?" questioned Connie. "We're literally shittng Eren. We're shitting on his car, but with Reiner's dog." Marco's jaw fell wide open as he made an 'o' shape with his lips. Taking in his reaction, Connie mocked his 'ohhh'.

"What else did you think we needed a dog for?" he asked. "And we're using the Bologna because it fucks up the paint job,"

Marco nodded with slight apprehensiveness. He was worried about getting caught, but he couldn't lie and say doing this didn't bring him some sort of thrill. However wrong it was, it felt like payback. Like they were the ones taking matters into their own hands.

And he kind of liked it.

"So," A voice startles them from the doorframe of a room. "Who are we fucking up? I better hope it's worth it Con-man."

"Tanaka," Connie acknowledges the familiar person. "You sly bastard, how much did you hear?" Tanaka snorts before walking up to them.

"Enough to know there's shit to do, and you might need my help. You see, I also don't like Eren. He's a cocky bastard like you- but at least you know when you're one unlike him. I also don't like the idea of my friend with him, she's too good for him."

"So you know about her and Jean then," Marco's words are a cold splash of water to Tanaka's face. "Wait...Jean and her? Was this what this pairing was all about?" he asks. Connie nods.

"Well count me in. I walked by and noticed he was drinking, even Kageyama couldn't help but notice. And we're not letting Eren get his way. I'll make sure of it."

"How..." Marco trails off softly. "How are you so sure?"

"I have an idea." Tanaka states, immediately grabbing the attention of his two friends. "Don't tell anyone, but Kageyama has a bottle of strong laxatives in his car. The doctor gave him the wrong prescription, so we won't need it. Until now."

"And what exactly are you thinking?"

"Well isn't it obvious? We're making Yeager shit his pants. I'll make sure to get him to drink it, and when he does, I'll let you guys know." Tanaka pauses, noticing that Connie watches him slightly impressed. "And what're you guys gonna do?"

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