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3rd POV (y'alls better hype this up and the boys cuz this is chaotic). Also- SURPRISE update!!!

Chapter 16: Fuck Boy Shit 

Minutes after Jean's departure, one could infer that that was when shit broke loose. And the chaos started small, first with Pieck's conversation with (her ex) Porco.

And then with the boys.

"I know what happened between you and Jean," Porco answered in a low voice. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
When she had noticed the point of this conversation, Pieck's stomach balled itself up. She was irritated and moved her hair over her shoulder.

"Was this all you wanted to talk about?" She hissed. "About Jean? Why does it matter? Ugh." Standing up on her own, she held onto her purse. "I knew you were as toxic as ever-"

"-I never said I was finished, Pieck."

When Pieck's eyes met his, she almost dropped her jaw at the sight. Porco's teeth were visibly gritt, his eyebrows scrunched, and his eyes hard darkened; filled with something Pieck almost feared. "You got them drunk, didn't you Pieck."

"You're hurting me," Pulling away from Porco's iron grip on her forearm, Porco's expression softened for a fraction of a second. He let go. "Tell me the truth."

"Listen," Pieck took a step back. "I don't know what lies you've been fed or what rumors you've heard- they're all false. Especially anything that comes out of Floch's mouth."

"I know what you did with Jean."

"GOD WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BE THE JEALOUS EX BOYFRIEND OR SOMETHING? If I can freshen up your memory a bit, it was you who cheated in the relationship, Porco. You. So don't bring up anything about me because it's got nothing to do with you. And if you keep bothering me like this..."

"Then what?" Porco challenged. "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to report you." She answered plainly. "I'll even put a restraining order on you. I don't ever want to see you ever again. Not after what you did. And if you think coming up to me like this is some sort of victory move, then you're wrong. Just stop it. It's childish. So move on."

After that, Pieck turned her heel. However, Porco took her by surprise and held her back by holding the strap of her purse back. "Then at least tell me one thing. Are you still in love with him? Even if he's seeing someone else?"

"Of course I love him." Pieck's confession stings Porco, and she knew it would. He deserved it. He was the one who cheated anyways.

"And they're not dating. I'm sure of it."

"But say if they were...what would happen to you, Pieck? Are you gonna call it quits and leave them be? Or are you still going to shadow behind them?"

"I don't appreciate your negativity." Pieck frowns. "I was actually about to think that you were going to send me well wishes, but now I see that you never will. You will never be happy if I'm not with someone that's not you." Pulling her purse out of Porco's grip, she steps away.

"But you're still the same miserable worm I've known since day one. You can never be happy, Porco. So just let me be happy with Jean. We've known each other longer than I have known you- and you know what I regret most?"


"That he wasn't the one I dated." Pieck spat.

"Instead, I settled for a worm like you. A pig. You're a pig, Porco. And it's about time I leave. Trash starts to stink after you stay near it for too long, doesn't it?"

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now