Author's Note

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Hi everyone, so unfortunately there won't be an update today. Sorry to disappoint. I wanted to give a proper update to you all to let you guys know what's been going on. And I'll try to be as direct as possible

1. Life is really sucking right now. I don't mean to be that typical author, but yes life happens. As some of you may know, I work, do college, and do house work. The times when I don't do this (besides studying) is when I write. Recently, my household has been thrown off the edge. A divorce between a toxic relationship might occur, child custodies might be an issue, and just a lot of documental problems and unnecessary BS is going on that is really draining because people in life just suck.

2. My mental health. It's draining. I've already signed myself up for therapy because life is really throwing me into a ditch so I should be fine. 

3. As for this book, while I was cleaning files, I accidentally deleted the original copy of T-Shirt 23. Yes, I did try and look into my trash and other forms but it's gone. Deleted. Over 500 pages worth of notes and writing is gone that I already had a breakdown. And to be honest it's exhausting. I use writing as a coping mechanism, as a tool to help myself and others with the goal of providing entertainment. I can't find it within me to write this book anytime soon. I have finals coming up, this Quarter is brutal and I'm 2 weeks behind on a stem class because my home life and mental health are really lacking the motivation. So to be honest, I don't know if this book will be complete within the next 2 months. I'm giving myself until June to maybe possibly get to this. Who knows, maybe I'll come back in a week with the motivation of a Bull, but for now, I can't say that I know. 

4. I'm changing. Life is changing and as we know, change is inevitable at time. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy writing, I still do! but I write other things. You guys can see more of my work on AO3 and Tumblr since I'm more active there than here. While I love Wattpad comments, I find myself more stimulated in those two other platforms than here. 

So yeah. I'm currently healing, it's just that time and energy is an issue. In essence, I have to work on myself, my problems, try to get a grip on my education, and sadly focus my energy on other things that I don't find as enjoyable as writing. 

Thank you for reading my stuff. I think I will end up editing a chapter here and there while I'm on a semi-hiatus (wow, scary word), but don't worry! I still write.

Thank you for your kindness, time, and energy. I hope to see you in the next chapter <3


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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