15 (Part 1)

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A/N: Wow I did not expect to update this late. It's been like nearly a month and so much as happened- dropped that summer chem class because it was too much, attended a funeral -spent more than a week with writers block- and I'm barely getting back into the groove of it. Additionally, I'm starting a business. (on the bright side!). I think updates will be a bit slower this summer- maybe once every two weeks to every 10 days. Please note that this story is almost done and I do expect to finish it by fall. On brighter terms, I have another Jean fic in the works. One that I think you guys will mostly like. I hope to have the first chapter up by this week (also ya girls b-day week!). 

Now, with this chapter, it does prepare you for the next. I had so much fun with the new characters and plot twists that I hope you guys like it. I spent a lot of time on the music (you'll see what I mean by the end of the chapter) but I hope this chapter makes up for the lost time. As always thank you for your everlasting support and comments- I cannot stress enough how much I love seeing and reading your comments. It's the highlight and the biggest pay-off for my work. So thank you<3 Without further a-doo, here is ch15 part 1:

Chapter 15 (Part One): Behind Your Back

When Friday evening rolled around, you cautiously made sure not to wear or do anything to fuck anything up. Since everyone knew where this party was going to be (except you), you were fortunate enough to have Annie who knew everything from the location of the party to the little details pertaining to the menu.

"I don't know..." trailed Armin with a tense yet polite smile as he drove his blue Honda Civic. "We haven't heard anything about your intoxication case, but since this is your first returning party, please refrain yourself from taking any alcoholic beverages." he sighs, "Just for the sake of it."

"So don't drink." Annie re-emphasized bluntly. "Or have sex." She sat on the passengers side with faint crossed arms as you watched from the back seat.

"I won't." your answer comes off stronger than you thought, but you were serious- you learned your lesson- never drink at college parties again.

"Good to hear," Armin smiles softly from the car's rear view mirror before changing the subject.

"I heard Eren's coming. Everyone is, actually."

"Speaking of that, is there anything that I should know before I go?" You were hopeful to get some information on Eren. The rumors you heard from were either too good to expect or too frowned upon to believe.

So you wanted to know.

"Eren's alright," Armin waved his hand dismissively as he still held on the wheel (responsibly). He told you how he actually knew Eren in High School, and how another girl named Mikasa was friends with them. All of them. They were High School buds, and although Eren and Mikasa don't talk to each other, Armin is simply on both sides. He expressed how awkward it was at times, but he was just thankful to have them in his life nonetheless.

"Connie and Sasha will be there as well. They're really fun. It's usually hard for a party to be successful if they're not there to lift the spirits up. Actually," he paused.

"Connie jumped from the rooftop of a house into a trash can filled with a family of racoons."

"Was he okay?"

"Oh, the racoons? They were fine."

"I was talking about Connie, Armin."

"Oh. Yeah, him too." he laughed awkwardly.

"So Connie and Sasha are good?" You ask, mentally taking notes.

"Yup." he nods. Your eyes turn to notice that his dark blue navy sweatshirt complimented his eyes as the night sky had already settled in. The remaining sunlight left was already falling behind the mountains. Your college town was in the best location you could ever ask for.

𝐓-𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now