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Team was sitting with Pharm and Manow when he got to see Pearl for the first time. She was tall and pretty with long hair and dark brown eyes- a contrast to Team's own light brown ones.

"Um so this is kind of weird but does any of you freshmen know where Win is? He is blonde and kinda tall?"

"Well you've come to the right people because Team is his boyfriend." Manow answered.

Team and Win had decided that they won't be hiding their relationship anymore. And now, more than half of the school knew about them. Team was kind of surprised at the positive reactions to their relationship. Everyone congratulated them and told them that they were cute and there was almost no one who said anything mean. Although, Team should've expected that because people were so much in support of Pharm and Dean. It was not a boy and boy thing as it was a dating the most popular guys of the school for Team and Pharm but thankfully for them, most people were supportive.

"What? You're kidding right? Win never dates anyone like that."

"Well, he is now," Team said.

Pearl shook her head hastily and said "I'm so sorry for being rude. Win didn't tell me about you so I was just surprised. I'm Pearl and I am Win's best friend."

Best friend? Best friend? Best friend?

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm Team and these are my friends Pharm and Manow."

"It's really nice to meet you guys. So..... where is he?" 

"He is in class." Manow spoke for Team.

"Then I guess I'll just wait for him with you guys." Team didn't want that but he could do nothing as she took a chair out and sat on it, taking her phone out and typing something on it.

They waited for less than two minutes when Win and Dean came up to them. Team was also on his phone when he heard Pharm greet the two seniors followed by Manow.

The girl got up to hug his boyfriend whilst he just sat there and watched. Team was not jealous, he was just annoyed. If she was really his best friend, Win should've told her about Team and in turn, told him about his 'best friend'.

"I have missed you so much." Pearl said while the others looked at Team who was still on his stupid phone trying to seem unbothered. Fun fact: he was bothered.

"I have already met Team and he seems really nice and I think that we will really get along." Team gave her a smile as he raised his eyebrows.

"You bet."


"So...... this girl.... your best friend.... umm...."

"Yeah, you like her?"

"I don't even know her." Team answered.

"What was your first impression of her?"

"Why'd you wanna know so bad?"

"I want you to like her."


"I just want you to."


"Don't 'whatever' me."

"Why didn't you tell her about me hia," Team finally asked the question he was dying to ask him.

"I thought I'd do it face to face but I did not know she'd come today. I would've told you if I knew about it."

"Okay. I will try to like her."

"Oh....Team. I didn't mean it like that. I am not forcing you to like anyone. I am just saying, give her a chance, talk to her. If you like her, that's fine and if you don't, that's fine too."


Win kissed Team's cheek and Team just chuckled at the cute action. He might be a little annoyed at Win but he was not going to fight with him because of some girl.

"Team..... I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Win spoke after a few seconds.


"Why don't you officially move in with me?"

" a big step, right?" Team did spend a lot of time in Win's apartment but.....actually moving in was different.

"Yeah but I really want you to and there's also something else."


"I have a spare apartment that is big enough for both of us and it is kind of really nice too, much better than the one I live in right now."

"You have a spare apartment? I really do not understand rich people."

"Come on, babe. Say yes."

"But I spend a lot of time in your apartment and it is big enough for us....I thought we could just share rent-"

"Ah. Don't worry about money. You don't have to pay rent because it is an apartment that I already own."

"I don't know hia, it's just like.....I think it's too much. I don't want to live for free."

"Do you love me?"


"Team... that's what matters. We love each other and we want to live with each other. want to live with me, right?"

Team did want to live with Win. Truth be told, he wanted to spend every single second with Win. Team thought about Win as soon as he went away. Every time he was away from him, he thought of making plans of seeing him again.

"Yes, I do." He finally spoke.

"Then say yes to me, say yes to moving in with me."

"Fine....yes I'll move in with you hia." He smiled at the older boy as Win kissed him on the lips, slowly and gently as if he was taking all the time in the world with him.

"I love you." Win spoke huskily.

"I know."


A/N: soooo finally they are moving in together!! i hope you guys are liking where this story is going. i'll update this book as soon as i can and until then, stay safe and drink lots of water!

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