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Team stood in front of the dim glow of the vending machine. Somehow, the dim glow and the quiet of the hallway managed to calm his nerves. He hung his head low as he supported his body by leaning on the cold metal of the machine. The cold metal and his cold body made him shiver like he had never before.

He finally looked up and managed to get himself a twix bar. He couldn't get himself to order food. He couldn't even think about talking to the delivery guy or to anyone for the matter. When Team asked Pharm if he could stay at his apartment, Pharm was confused but still agreed to his request. Pharm asked Team what was wrong but he was just too embarrassed to tell him about Win. He went to Pharm's apartment early and laid on the bed all day. He pretended to be asleep when Pharm came inside and when Pharm was finally fast asleep, Team stepped out of the apartment.

He should've just asked Pharm to make something for him but then again, it was not like Team to burden him when he was already letting him stay at his place so he just quietly ate the chocolate bar.

Team thought of the early days. The days when he used to bicker and sometimes confide into Win. He had fun and he was happy. Things were simple. Maybe if they had stayed platonic, Team would have been happy today. To be honest, Team was the happiest when they got into a relationship with each other but maybe it was the kind of happiness that demanded pain in return.

Team thought about friendship and how Win and him would never be friends in the future even if he tried.

Win would probably say 'We could never be just friends. It's either all or nothing'. And, Team understood that. It made sense to him but he'd rather be friends with Win than be nothing to him.

Team slapped himself lightly as he remembered what Win just did to him. Win hurt him so much but he was still thinking about being with him. To be fair, he had spent all day being angry and hating on Win, it was only now that he had allowed himself to think about the older.

Team was still pretty fucking hungry.


In the morning, Win sat in the living room with his hands over his head and his mouth running dry. Yes, Team had asked him not to be there when he came to pick up his stuff and he should've respected what Team wanted, but it was either now or never.

Win was such a selfish prick. Some people say that usually, the reasons people fall out of love with someone are the same reasons as to why they fall in love with them in the first place. He thought about Team's brown eyes, his lips, his silky hair, his soft skin, his laugh, his inability to wear a tie by himself, the way he talked to strangers more nicely than Win talked to his own friends, his loyalty towards his friends, his voice when he said 'hia', his love for kpop bands, the way his eyes went wide when he watched a movie about zombies, his passionate love for food, the way he always understood Win, the way he knew how to make a perfect cup of tea for the most tiring of days. Win didn't understand how he could ever hate any of the things which made Team who he was and yet.... Team had a number of reasons to fall out of love with him. Maybe, Team would really leave him and maybe everything would come to an end but Win was going to at least try so he waited for Team.

Win heard the sound of the door unlocking and he felt almost dizzy with anticipation. The moment he opened the door, his eyes met his as if it was destiny, as if it was destiny for Team to open a locked door and find Win sitting in front of him each and every time. He knew that no matter how they'd end up, he'd always remember that moment.

"I asked you to do one thing for me. One thing." It was only natural that Team was upset.

Team didn't look as terrible as Win did. Don't get him wrong, Team could never look terrible but he was wearing this black denim jacket which looked really good on him and blue jeans- typical Team outfit but he looked so good compared to Win who hadn't even taken a shower or eaten food for that matter. He was still in his college uniform.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be, I guess." Team walked in the direction of the bedroom. Win wanted to grab his wrist from behind but restrained himself.

"Team, can you listen to what I have to say?"

"No." Cold. That's what Team felt like. Win remembered all the times Team's hands and feet were freezing- so many times, he had to warm him up. But how could he warm up the way Team felt from inside?

"Where'd you get the clothes from? All your clothes are here." Win settled for a harmless question.

"I always keep spare clothes in my locker, duh."

"Team. wait." Team was inside the bedroom and was currently taking out his clothes from the hangers.

"Just let me say something."

"Just the word 'something'? Sure, go ahead." Team replied. Win felt frustrated. It wasn't going well just like he had expected it.


"Hm?" Team turned to look at him.

"I didn't cheat on you. I could never cheat on you. When I slept with Pearl's sister, I-I thought that you didn't like me back. I thought that we could never be together. I thought you'd never want to be with me because of the kind of person I was and I..... just did more of what makes me a trash human being."

"It's not my fault that you just assumed that I didn't like you back." Team retorted.

"I'm sorry. I really messed up but you have to know that I would never ever cheat on you Team. I think... no... I know that I would never be able to feel this way about any other person ever. I think it's you and only you for me."

Then, they stood in silence for a few seconds before Win said desperately, "Please say something."

"But it's so difficult for me." Team said softly.

"What is?"

"Imagine if I.....had se-"

"Stop it. Don't complete that sentence." Win interrupted him.

"Hia." Team said- his voice more breathy than soft.

"Yeah?" Win looked up in his eyes- trying to find an answer in them.

"I have to live with the thing you can't even listen. And, it's difficult. It's really very difficult. I love you, I really do but.... sometimes I just find myself thinking that you've been with so many people. No, don't interrupt me. Yes, you think that I'm different but try to see things from my perspective. I've only been with you and you've been with so many people. Thinking about it makes me feel like I've already lost before I even had a chance to win." Win knew that Team was right in a way but he was wrong about thinking that other people could ever compare to what he was to Win.

"Team..... those people mean nothing to me. You're the one living here with me in this apartment. You're the one I want to spend every second of my life with. You haven't lost anything. You haven't lost to anyone. I am yours and I am here to stay with you. I just... want you to trust me. I want you to know that I will never make the same mistakes I made before. Can you give me another chance?"

Team sighed loudly and Win couldn't help but tug at his sleeves helplessly.

"If we get together again right now, it wouldn't be fair for either one of us hia because I haven't completely forgiven you yet."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Let's just start over and take things slow. Are you okay with that?" Team asked.

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