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Win woke up feeling rather fresh in the morning which was a good thing because he had an early morning class that day. He quickly got changed into his uniform and made his journey towards the exit of the building. That's where he found Team looking at something on his phone. As he neared him, he saw Team more clearly. His tie hung loosely over his neck and his wet hair was swaying in the wind as he looked down at his phone while leaning against his car.

He noticed girls looking at Team and secretly taking his pictures while Team was lost in his own world. Of course, he didn't know how attractive he was. From his slender legs to his plump lips, Team was a masterpiece, one that Win loved looking at.

When Win cleared his throat, Team finally looked up at him.

"Oh hey hia Win. I almost forgot that we live in the same building."

"Are you sure that you are ready to go to college today?"

"I will never be able to go anywhere if I actually started thinking whether I am ready or not so I just forced myself to get out of the bed."

"I mean you can attend your classes and take a day off from swimming practice."

"You mean take a day off when I know I need to practice a lot, yeah that's not happening."

"That is happening. As the vice-president of the swimming club, I forbid you to come to the practice today."

Team's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard that.

"You can't do that. That is so unfair. I will complain to P'Dean," Team spoke, his voice rising in volume.

"Who do you think Dean is going to listen to, you or me?"

"I hate you so much."

"I love you too." Win said as he sat on his motorbike not before winking in the direction of Team who looked dumbfounded.

Win and Dean reached their usual table where they sat every day at lunch. Team, Pharm and Manow were already eating their food. Team was eating his food like it was the only thing that mattered. Win was looking at Team do something that he really loved to and the older found it way cuter than he should have.

"Team, I heard that Win forbade you from coming to practice today." Dean spoke and Team finally looked up from his plate to look at the two seniors sitting in front of him.

"Yeah but now that I think about it, it's for the better. I am too ashamed to face everyone. I thought that I would come today all confident and unbothered but honestly, I am embarrassed." Team spoke with a sad look in his eyes.

"Everyone knows that it happened because you had a panic attack. That's what you told the coach and he told everyone about it because he thought it would be better than people suspecting your skills," Dean said.

"Well, isn't that worse? I don't wanna be known as a kid who swims and has mental health issues. Do you know how much it sucks to have everyone's attention on you for something like that?"

"Hey Team, it's okay. You can take a few days' break. P'Dean and P'Win won't mind, right? It was Manow who spoke.

"Of course Team, we don't mind. Take as much time as you need. Your health is way more important," Dean spoke as he smiled at the younger.

Win spoke nothing as he noticed the younger boy looking at his empty plate with a deflated expression. He wondered what he could do to make him smile, because he would do anything and everything in his power to make him smile.

Team let out a sigh and stood up to leave when Win quickly stood up and grabbed him by his shoulder. Team looked at him with confusion written all over his face.

"Come with me," Win spoke without moving his hand away from Team's shoulder taking in the warmth of his skin through his shirt material. Win had a sudden urge to move his hands up and down his arms but restrained himself.

"Where?" Team questioned.

"Where are you taking my friend?" Pharm asked.

"Just take him wherever you want so that he loosens up a bit," Manow said as Team glared at her statement.

Team contemplated for a little bit before giving in and coming to stand beside the blond guy.

Win smirked in satisfaction as he took Team's soft hands in his own and pulled him in the other direction. Team let out a whine as Win pulled him further away from their previous spot.

"You brought me here to watch a movie with you!?" Team asked him in surprise as Win pulled him towards the direction of the ticket counter.

"Why else would I bring you here? To watch a BTS concert?"

"I mean that would have been amazing hia."

"Shut up and tell me which movie you want to watch."

"I want to watch that movie about zombies." Team pointed towards a horrible looking movie poster with a lot of blood and disgusting stuff.

The truth was that Win was scared of horror movies. Usually, he went for romantic comedies or even action movies but he strayed far away from horror movies. He assumed that Team would pick something light but instead he picked that scary movie.

"Look, I don't want you to get scared and cling onto me when we watch the movie so I think you should choose some other movie."

"No. I actually really wanted to watch this movie with Pharm and Manow but we never got the chance to but now that we are here, I can finally get to watch this and don't worry, I don't get scared easily."

'But I do,' Win thought as he nodded in the younger boy's direction.

"Can we get two tickets for the movie 'The Zombie Murderer'?"

Win pulled out his wallet to pay for the tickets. He took out the money needed when a hand stopped him from advancing towards the cashier's direction.

"You pay for your own ticket and I will pay for mine." Team spoke as he gave Win the money for his ticket.

Without arguing with the dark-haired boy, Win paid the cashier the money for their tickets.

They sat down with their popcorn and cold drinks in the dark theater. They had split the money for the food too as per Team's request. Win didn't know why the younger wouldn't let him pay for him, he didn't like to think that Team only thought of him as an acquaintance and not as someone significant in his life.


But then again, when Team called him 'hia', Win could hear the familiarity in his voice and the word that Team used only for him. He called no one else 'hia' and that was heartwarming for the older. He might not have opened himself to the blond yet but when he said 'hia' in his annoying, whiny but cute voice, Win could swear that his heart started beating faster. Just one word from Team had that kind of effect on him, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen to him if Team said or did anything more.

"Are you listening to me?" Team asked him again. Win noticed that Team had already started eating the popcorn and was currently sipping on his coke.


"I said the movie is about to start but I don't think the food we bought is going to last long, should I go out and buy more?"

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