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"Why in the world do I feel like this?" Team said to no one in particular as he approached his friends. To his displeasure, Pharm had heard him and he felt even more embarrassed for getting caught whilst talking to himself.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'd like for you to elaborate."

"I don't wanna."

"Consider yourself lucky that your 'boyfriend' didn't hear you. He'd get concerned and keep asking you until you answered." Pharm spoke.

"Well, now he has. What's going on?" Win and Dean came from behind him. Pharm just shrugged and muttered a 'dunno'.

"Well you aren't wrong." Team said.

"So, what is it?" Manow questioned.

"I'm just a little nervous." He spoke in a low voice right into his friend's ear.

"Why?" She asked again.

"I don't know, I just do." He shrugged.

"Wow, that's enough. Let's leave soon so we can come back before it's too late." Dean interrupted.

"Where are we going?" Team asked.

"To an amusement park, of course. You know how much I love amusement parks. I already got all of us tickets." Manow shrieked excitedly.

"Wow, really? I've never been to an amusement park!" Team exclaimed.

Pharm choked and started coughing as the others looked up to him in surprise. "You've never been to an amusement park?" Win asked.

"No. Is that a big deal?"

"Wait, where did you go on school trips or even family trips?" Dean questioned him.

"On family trips, we usually went to the beach and during school trips, they took us to museums and oh! they once took us to this haunted place-"

"Team going to a haunted place but not an amusement park is the most 'Team' thing ever." Manow interrupted.

"Actually during my last year of high school, they were taking us to an amusement park but I got sick so I couldn't go. I was so sad."

"But now you are!" It was Pharm again.


"A little more enthusiasm would be better."

Team faked some 'enthusiasm' as the others caught on and scoffed at him. He still didn't directly look at Win. He could've and he should've but he still did not. Nevertheless, he was exciter for his first trip at an amusement park.

Dean was in the driver's seat and Pharm was in the passenger's seat while Team was sitting in between Win and Manow. Manow was clutching his hand excitedly and he couldn't help but smile at her chidlike temperament. On his other side, Win's expressions were unreadable but when Win smiled at him, Team sent a small smile back, just as unsure as before but it was there and it triggered something deep inside him- like a hum before the beginning of a song. It was peaceful and reassuring but still dared to become something more and something dangerous; dangerous not in a bad way but in a 'my heart beats so fast when I'm with you' kind of way.

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