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On his worst days, Team was still a believer of all things golden. He still thought that despite everything, things could change from worse to the better. It was something he felt deep down but on a surface level, he chose to deny some of those things. He once looked at an old couple holding hands at midnight in the park, and he swore that love actually exists and it wasn't just some thing humans invented to keep them sane but what he didn't know before was that love didn't keep humans sane, it drove them to insanity and a human being would never willingly invent something that would ruin their chance to be a practical machine living and dying for themselves and themselves only.

In moments of weakness, he did things he wasn't proud of. He pushed people far away and when he did, he offended those people and they never came back. It never was his intention to hurt anyone but bad times get the worst of you and Team knew that. However, with Win, things were always different. He pushed him away and every time he came back with gravity. He never intended to hurt Win but somehow he had but Win still came back. He was always there. He was there whenever he needed him without having to tell him that verbally. He knew that some people go their entire lives without having someone to rely upon and he would've been the same way had he not met a certain blond. It was indeed true that Win was always there. Their connection that Team felt was superficial at first, was actually very strong. It was a thin thread, but a thread you couldn't break no matter how hard you try. No force or strength could ever break it. Even if he was far away from him, he could feel it. He could feel the string connecting him to the other even if he was a million miles away.

When Win asked him to take him back, the obvious answer should've been 'yes'. In a way, that's what he said. He had told him ''We should start over, for real, this time.'' And, Win had replied by saying ''Yes, this time I'll do better and we'll do better.'' That had been it.

Things were never as easy as they thought they were but together, things were only half as hard. Every great thing took time and for the first time in a very long time, Team felt hopeful- not only in the future but also in himself.

"Y'all really need to watch this new movie. It's a psychological thriller. Team, you like those right?" Pharm asked.

"Yeah but-"

"Ugh everything sucks." Manow spoke as she sat down throwing her bag over the table. It was lunch and. Win, Dean, Pharm and Manaow were all there.

It had been a week since Win had confronted Team and they had decided to start over. They hadn't really made much progress since then but then again, they had been busy with their respective schedules. Team didn't know he was going to be so busy when he first started going to college. Things were a little awkward between them and the comfortable silence had turned into a bit of tension but it still felt pretty good when they were together with their friends.

"What happened Manow?" Win asked the girl.

"You remember the girl I was talking to? She played me. I can't believe I got played. I thought if anyone was going to get played in our group, it was going to be Team."

"Hey! That's actually so offensive. Don't take your anger out on me." He replied.

"Yeah Manow thats a messed up thing to say, considering his....well.... situation." Pharm replied and Dean uncharacteristically snickered. What was up with his friends? He felt Win looking at him from his peripheral view but he didn't look back at him. That'd be a bit embarrassing and he was feeling a little shy, he didn't know why.

Manow continued to tell her story. "Yeah so basically she was just 'having fun' whatever that means. Love doesn't exist. It's an illusion. Fuck my life."

"That sucks man." Team spoke.

"I have a solution to all of your problems." Pharm said after a few seconds.

"What?" Manaow questioned.

"Let's all hang out this weekend. We have all been so busy this past week and this weekend is the perfect opportunity to blow off some steam and have fun. We can just hang out. We don't have to overthink about our problems, Team I'm looking at you. It will be fun. Plus, Team will get to spend time with his boyfriend and I'll get to spend time with mine too and Manow don't worry we will give you all the attention you need in the world and we will make sure you don't feel alone. So, what do you say?"

Of course, Manow said yes. So did Win and Dean. That left Team. They were looking at him when he sighed and finally said, "Anything to make sure my friend moves on."

A/N: just giving y'all a heads up that this story is ending soon.

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