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Team sat on his desk as he opened his notebook to jot down important notes. His hands wrote what the teacher had written on the board but his mind wandered to another place, a cozy one-bedroom apartment, on the bed, his face buried in his hia's chest. He pulled his hoodie closer to his face as he thought about the one who had enchanted him completely.

Team accidentally let out a contented sigh as his friends turned to look at him with concern.

"Dude, where were you yesterday?" Pharm who sat on the desk beside him asked in a low voice.

"Just here and there," Team replied as he continued to write whatever he could make out of the teacher's voice.

"You are being so fucking weird," Manow said her voice coming from behind them.

"I am not being weird."

When the bell rang, Team quickly collected his belongings, yet again shocking his friends due to his unusually hyper behavior. It was lunch and that meant he would be finally seeing Win.

Team quickly reached the cafeteria and his friends followed suit.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Manow asked Team as they were finally seated at their regular table. For a change, Win and Dean were already sitting there.

"What happened to him?" Win asked Manow as Team's nervousness grew.

"Someone had a great time with their 'hia Win', am I right nong Team?" Dean asked as he chuckled.

"I can't believe you lied to us," Pharm spoke pointing his fork at Team.

"I did not lie to you at all."

"You told me you were just here and there."

"Yeah and that's true."

"Come with me." Pharm spoke as he pulled Team out of his chair.

"I am not done eating my food." Team said as Pharm used all his body strength to pull the boy away.

Team gave Win an apologetic look as he excused himself and went wherever his friend was taking him.

"Tell me everything and I swear to god if you lie, I will kill you in your sleep." Pharm spoke seriously as he accompanied Team to an empty classroom.

"We went to a BTS concert and-"

"You went to a what? I can't believe you went to a BTS concert without me!"

"-and then hia Win kissed me and told me that he-"

Pharm shrieked loudly as he banged the table in excitement. Pharm ran around in circles as Team looked at him with an amused expression.

"-he told me that he likes me and now we are kind of dating, I guess?"

"This is huge. I am so happy for you but the next time something big happens, don't lie to me. Tell me all the details. Are we clear?"

"Yes, I will tell you if anything big happens," Team said as both of them started laughing.

By the time Team and Pharm came out of the classroom, the lunch was already over. Team sighed as he opened his locker to take out his books for the next period. He was walking down the hall when he suddenly felt someone pull him by his hand and shove him into an empty classroom.

Team felt his fight of flight response getting activated as he kicked the person in his knee without looking up. When he finally looked up, he saw it was Win who had pulled him inside. Win groaned in pain and Team couldn't help but chuckle at his clumsy mistake.

"What is wrong with you?" Win questioned.

"I don't know, what would you do if a stranger came up to you and shoved you into an empty classroom?"

"But I am not a stranger."

"I didn't know that before." Team spoke softly.

"Why did you lie to Pharm?"

"I don't know," Team spoke quietly turning his face away from the older boy.

Win held the dark-haired boy by his chin and made him look directly into his eyes. Team attempted to look down but Win didn't let that happen.

"When I talk to you, look at me. Are we clear?" Win questioned.

Team felt intimidated as he just nodded his head.

"I want you to answer in words."

"Yeah. I will."

"Good boy. Now tell me, why did you lie?"

"I thought we were supposed to keep it a secret but I did end up telling Pharm the truth."

"I don't want to keep it a secret but if you are not ready to tell everyone, we won't."

"Hia Win, I don't think we should tell everyone about us yet. Our friends know and that is enough."

"For now, or forever?"

"For now." Team smiled at the older boy's desperation.

Win attempted to kiss the boy in front of him as Team pulled him away.


"Someone could come inside anytime."

"Fuck 'someone'," Win said as he kissed the shorter boy, his hand around Team's nape pulling him closer by his hoodie as Team finally gave into his temptation and kissed Win back. Team's adrenaline shot up as he finally responded to his kiss. Win tasted like fresh mint and Team felt chills down his spine as Win slipped his tongue into his mouth.

He never believed in that 'yolo' bullshit but if it was true that you only live once, why would you waste your time not kissing the person who makes you feel everything all at once magnified by a billion times.

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