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Team woke up when he heard the ringing alarm and scooted over the other side of the bed to stop it from ringing. He couldn't help but think how fun it would be to skip practice that day just to annoy his hia but he decided against it. He took a bath and wore his uniform. Team always wore his tie as loose as he could because he didn't like the suffocation caused by a tight tie. He took a final look in the mirror and left.

When he finally arrived, he sat next to his friend Pharm in the class. Pharm was much better at academics than him. It's not that Team didn't try but he had a natural knack for sports, one which he couldn't replicate for academics but as long as he got average marks, his teachers didn't mind.

At lunch, Dean and Win sat at their table with him, Pharm and Manow. It was just him, Pharm and Manow at first but when Dean and Pharm started dating, they were joined by the two seniors and quite frankly neither Team nor Manow minded.

"Oh damn. My head really hurts so bad," Pharm said massaging his head with both of his hands.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock. You drank too much last night so that's a given," Team spoke rolling his eyes.

"I mean you're not wrong but I need some love and support right now not your nagging."

"Baby I'll give you all my love and support," Dean spoke in the sweetest voice Team had even heard him speak in.

"Ah these two are sickening. It makes me sad for my lonely soul," Manow said.

"Every single couple makes you feel that way Manow, literally every human being who is in a relationship," Team spoke as all of them started laughing.

Team's gaze went to Win who was sipping his drink from a straw. He stared at him for a few more seconds before Win looked up and made eye contact with Team. Team blushed as he looked down at the food in his plate and when he looked up a few seconds later, Win was still looking at him, his blush deepened.


Swimming practice was more difficult and less fun when everybody expected something from you and you just couldn't let them down. Team could feel the pressure, Team could almost inhale the pressure he felt around him. Pressure not just from other people to give his best but from himself to defeat his fears and make the best out of the skills he had.

If Team went inside the water and slowly swam, he could feel the darkness of the water, he could feel the fear engulfing him like a blanket. His motto was simple: just do not think. But it was in moments like these when he was yet to go under the very blue looking water, that he allowed himself to think about all the fear he was carrying within himself. It was almost like a compensation for all the fear he refused to feel when he was under the water, when he was cutting through the water waiting for the lap to end. The thing is despite it all, he did love swimming a lot.

Now that he was in his trunks ready to go under the water, he saw Dean already swimming while Win was timing him. Honestly, Team felt nervous because it was his first time practicing after he had been selected as a national representative. Team did not think that he deserved it, he thought that he had just gotten lucky. After all, he hadn't practiced as much as Win and Dean who were selected only in their third year as swimmers.

Dean was out of water finally when Win revealed him his score.

"Look who came to cheer us," Dean said pointing at their friends sitting at the steps in front of the pool. Pharm and Manow had come to see them practice and the sight of them automatically made Team smile.

"I am off to see my boyfriend so you guys practice hard on your own," Dean said as he rushed towards Pharm while Win and Team just laughed at the very eager boyfriend.

"You wanna go in the water together?" Win asked Team.

"Can I go first alone? I want you to time me hia Win," He spoke to Win. Honestly, he wanted to go with Win but decided against it because he wanted to push himself harder than he had ever done before. Swimming alone and getting himself timed by Win was the best way to do that because when you are alone in the dark blue water, the fear is more prominent and Team had to face the fear. He had done it before and he could do it now.

"Ok, as you wish. Get ready then," Win spoke.

Team suddenly felt a dull ache in his chest. He felt anxiety seeping into his veins. He could feel himself getting smaller and smaller. His knees felt wobbly and dizziness took over him as easily as sleep takes over a tired person.

He wanted to sit down.

He wanted to throw up.

He wanted to give up.

But people were looking at him including his friends and Team was a lot of things but he was not a coward. He wanted to do things that made other people like him. He lived in a world where a few pats on his head made him think that he had accomplished something. He wanted to please others even if it was at his own expense.

He finally took his position and signaled Win to start the time on his stopwatch. He threw himself in the water and waited for his natural ability to take over his glitching mind. He made his body the sole engine as he effortlessly cut through the water using all his arms and legs had to offer.

But then, something happened. Something went off inside his brain and he mentally froze. An old nightmare knocked on the windows of his mind and he realized that he was slowing down. He dared to open his eyes and once he did, the panic made its way to him faster than the speed of light. Team forgot how to swim, he felt his legs going numb. He tried his hardest to muster the courage to somehow keep going but he had lost control and he couldn't save himself as he made his way to the bottom of the pool.

Going down, Team realized he was hyperventilating. He was shaking and trembling and shrieking and screaming but no matter how hard he tried, no sound left his mouth. He flailed at the water in an attempt to grab onto something but there was nothing to hold on to, there was just emptiness, nothingness and silence.

And then there were arms holding him. The first thing he noticed was beautiful blonde locks floating. He decided to concentrate on the stunning golden shade, a stark contrast to the dark blue water he was accustomed to. He was sure it was a dream, a beautiful nightmare. It was a picturesque scenery but he was suffocating and choking. Finally, he felt arms and legs lifting him up, up, up. Despite the coldness, there was warmth somehow. And then he was out of water and then he was unconscious, knocked out but somehow safe in the arms of his rescuer.

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